The Underground Copywriter Vault by Mike Becker
Struggling as a copywriter? Then you need to…
Discover the exact steps to land your first two 4 figure a month customers in the next 30 days as a freelance writer on demand…
With our exclusive “no rejection consultation, shutdown and conversion system”…Even if you currently have no clients,no connections,no portfolio
In the copywriting war comes, only one percent will survive
I’m Mike Becker.
Now……I know you’ve seen the FB post……Freelancers hang out in exotic places around the pool,
Living a 6-digit laptop lifestyle,
Flip the bird to the”man”and grind 9 to 5.
And, like any normal person you want to be in.
You want the freedom to live your dreams and turn the “click keyboard” into cold hard cash.
You want to live where you want, travel where you want, when you want to get out of bed…
Take a 5-Day weekend when you want…
Ultimately, you want financial and time freedom for you when you become a 6-figure copywriter.
They kept it from you..
There’s something they haven’t told you.
Copywriters earn 6 figures a year from their copywriters…Representing only 1% of working copywriters.
Only…Only 1%!
In other words, “getting there”is not as easy as the”expert” tells you.
It’s frustrating. believe your dreams are just around the corner.…
And found it thousands of miles away.
You know you have the ability to turn words into cash.…
But putting all the moving pieces together can feel like a puzzle…
…They turned the pieces upside down.
So…..It’s almost impossible to know who to trust.…
When there is so much conflicting information…About how to get to where you want to go.
Nothing seems to blend together as easily as the sound they make.
Honestly, this barricade is why so many copywriters……Here we go.…
But give up the dream and go back to 9 to 5.
They go back and add zeros to someone else’s bank account…
Not your own.…
Although their freedom disappears like Steam…
And their talent…Will be wasted.
However, it does not have to be so.
If there is a simple but proven system……Get you in the driver’s seat of your own 6-figure Destiny……You don’t want that?
If you spend a few weeks…Not years…Become part 1%?
Isn’t that worth your immediate attention??
That’s why you’ll want to keep reading this letter……Because that’s exactly what Craig Dave, Scott Mills and I want to talk to you now…
We have been using a simple but proven system to help our personal trainer students break through the 1% barrier.
If you want to discover how you can also easily land those coveted high paying customers…
And get that result for them……They ask to put you in a fat monthly down payment…
And read it until the end.…
Where did they all come from?
Maybe you’ve noticed,too…But there’s a shit ton of copywriters out there right now.
Maybe this is the whole 4-hour week thing.…
Or pictures of freelancers by the pool.…
But one thing’s for sure.:
Never more freelance writers scrapped a limited number of jobs.
This means that there has never been more competition.
It also means your chances of 6-digit copywriting success are getting slimmer with each passing day……Just by sheer numbers!
And that doesn’t mention how savvy and educated your prospects have become.
When they see it, they know a good copy.
What’s more, they can SN out a”rookie”from a few miles away.
And so many business owners have burned the shit out of head copywriters in the past.
So they are vigilant,guarded and slow to pull the trigger.
And,that’s not to mention that with all the copywriting resources out there, many marketers feel they can do your job……Just like you.
That’s why they’re taking you more and more seriously.
This is exactly what happened to one of my freelance copywriting partners.
Copywriting cemetery:R.I.P., Jeff.
The true story I worked with Jeff when I built one of my marketing agencies.
Before everything was”online”, he was talented enough to become a major player in one of the most read newspapers in the country.
But … ..He was fired, like a lot of newspapers ” talent.””
Even though he’s a talking Wizard,…
And recognized nationally as one of the best editors in the country.…
As a freelancer, he struggles to put all the pieces together.
Although I tried to give him as much work as possible…
He continues to be a victim of”discount errors”… Offer his copy service at the lowest price.
In the smoke…
He never figured out how to operate as a”business”…
He’s been looking for unqualified prospects.…
I habitually give up control of sales conversations…
Spinning his wheels in an endless vortex of lengthy proposals.…
And send ” samples.””
He got pennies working by ringing at work…
Then, because he had no choice, he eventually slipped back into the world of 9 to 5,working for”the man”just to support his family.
Now Jeff’s stuck on a security guard.…
At the casino.…
“Guarding” the wealth of others……Instead of creating your own wealth.
Now let me be clear……Jeff has more copywriting “talent”on his right pinky than almost anyone reading this message right now…
But he can’t seem to exit the system and let him bind to a job that is destroying his soul…
While his talent went to waste, his dream of financial independence was in vain a long time ago.
99 or 1?
If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re not interested in repeating Jeff’s story.
So let me ask you this question:
What is part of your blueprint to make sure you are taking a six-figure 1% earn from your copywriting…
Not like Jeff?
Do you have a proven system to follow?
A sure you get results for these clients?
Like I already mentioned, only 1% earn six-figure income from their copywriting.
Now, this is what makes this challenge even worse.
Error message overloaded.
The interwebs can be your worst enemy…
Because most copywriting instructions focus on improving your copy…
Of course, this is very important!
But no one out there gives you the exact blueprint you need to expand your copywriting business to 6 numbers.
This can cause the feeling like you are led down the garden trail to copywriting wealth…
Just find that you don’t have the tools, mindset, and sales skills to complete a deal.
That’s why I’m here..
To show you what the hell it is.
It’s not about that… It’s about this.
I don’t blame you at all.
Because you’ve sold lies, your success as a copywriter has things to do with how many copywriting books you’ve read or courses you’ve taken, who you know and how “genius”you are…
Guess what?
Your successful copywriter in 2018 depends on waaay something simpler, which we’ll show you later…
Now, just know that.:
If you do not have the level of success and income, you feel that you deserve as a copywriter…
This is not because you need more”connections”in the industry.
It’s not because you need to lower your price……There is even a slick portfolio.
It’s not because you need to lower your price……There is even a slick portfolio.
Let’s get something clear……That’s not what’s holding you back.
Now,if you happen to be a victim of these lies, it’s not your fault.
But it’s your responsibility to make sure…
Stop following the sheep
Look…6 figure copywriters do things very differently than 99%.
First, they do not try to sell ” copywriting services.””
This is because they know that their ideal customer doesn’t really want to”copy.””
6 figure copywriters also do not try to sell their ” credentials.””
They also don’t waste time sending samples, doing specification work or creating 27-page suggestions.
That’s because they know customers don’t really care about that shit.
So if the best client does not want copywriting services…
They don’t want your”credentials”and WTF they want??
Good question.
Now the answer may sound,well, too basic.
But hold on to me here…
Because it’ll surprise you.
They only care about one thing.
Deep down, the only thing customers really care about is growing their business.
That’s it.
What does that mean to you?:
If you are one of the rare people who can show them how you will convert them to new customers… Help them recover lost sales…
Adding fuel to their profitable machines…
Then……Working with you suddenly becomes a simple investment, not an expense.
Can you see how different this is than begging for a piece of their current business?
If you can confidently show prospects how to easily create new profit streams…
Wrap it in an offer they simply can’t refuse…
You don’t have to get hit in your face by a door anymore.
Because when you stop trying to sell people”copywriters”and start selling them tangible results, you are denied the chance…
Falling off a cliff.
“No refusal to consult, shut down and convert the system”…
“Rejecting the free consultation, shutdown and conversion system” is how Scott, Craig and myself managed to make our clients more than $ 567 million……Only the core of 2017.
This is also the way to get our personal trainer students fat trading as they get their hands on this training.
By following this step-by-step system, Ed Reay landed six new customers in his first 48 hours. He earned a six-figure income in 2018 without any business, sales or even work experience.
In fact, he is only seventeen years old and is still in high school. It is true that he was even detained because the client’s phone left the class early.
Dennis Demori found out how to flip the script on his prospects, so he never jumped through their”hoops”again later…
What’s more, he signed multiple 4-figure retainers over the past 30 days.
Eli Easton&Jerrick Drew has mastered how to overcome their “inexperience”and has just signed up for a beauty niche business that earns more than $ 100,000 a month…
All without wasting time sending “samples” or writing on their suggested line.
Sheldon Hylton devoured the training and fired his only client……Twice. And then be able to reposition yourself as an On-Demand Media Expert…
And now, high-level companies are lining up for his list. It is not difficult to give him the stability and freedom to develop his business smart.
Andrew Lawrence is a new dad and correctional officer but he was able to take advantage of this simple system in his free time to close not one but 2 new contracts.
He took action and beat 50 other copywriters… And the crazy thing is that he did it all in all places Upwork. And get what he wants.
It’s not just a system…
You see,the “reject free advice, shut down, and conversion system” is a method that allows us to earn to take our own neat six-figure income and enjoy our freedom without having to worry……
Where’s the next client hiding?…
Or when the “next Deposit” appears.
You see, this system positions you as a consulting expert……And not ” service provider.””
Then, it teaches you how to easily close an offer on prospects that they would be foolish to reject……But let you pay your value…
Finally, this method gives you what you need to convert New Sales to your clients……Whatever their product or niche all help.
Starting today……You can get your hands on “rejecting free advice, shutting down, and converting systems”……And 1%yourself when you join…
Underground copywriting library
Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble—-:
1. Get customers
2. Get it!:
Now,this may sound too simple…
But once you find out how to use the”reject free consultation, shutdown, and conversion system”with confidence, easily do both things on flush and repeat…
“A percentage” yourself is not just a possibility,it is an inevitability.
The vault has everything you need to get you there quickly…
Even if you feel overwhelmed,just starting out, and no portfolio,no network.
What do you get when you join
This is the TL; DR version and you’ll get a one-year membership in your underground copywriting library:
Video training library worth$8,700
At the heart of Vault is our video training Bank, which details every step of the”no rejection consultation, shutdown and conversion system”, including:
5 different training modules…
24 training videos totaling more than 29 hours. Guidance on getting customers and getting results.
Once you get your hands on these step-by-step tools, you’ll have everything you need to start your own financial freedom life you’ve heard so much about.
(See the module below for more details.)
Private FB planning group$97 / month= $ 1164 value
Personal access to all 3 coaches is available every day. Ask questions, share struggles and victories. Also, with other action takers kick ass and name rub shoulders.
Open office hours$797 / month=$9564 value
This is our weekly live video gathering where we can help you solve the challenges of expanding your business. You can help set the agenda with your questions and then benefit from the collective genius of our members and coaches.
Ongoing weekly training$388 / month=$4656 value
We Deposit more tips, training and guidance into the vault every week. A hint,a word change, a template……Can be worth thousands to your business.
30-day challenge worth $ 397
No knowledge of action and implementation is not worth it, imo.
The 30-day challenge requires a”system” and distills it into daily action steps with built-in accountability……So you see the results……Faster.
Plus, you’ll get these 2 bonuses worth$1,394
Bonus 1: “underground vault swipe file”
Bonus 2: “underground vault template library”
Total vault value:not less than $ 25,878 a cent
Prices rise quickly
00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds
Yes! I want to join the underground vault!
Warning:this version of the underground vault will be closed to the public after 200 sales
Now I want you to understand everything you get inside the underground copywriting library,
So, let me introduce you first…
Change your copy BIZ in just 30 days
The 30 day challenge is a copywriting game changer for your copy business…And not just because it produces essential results faster.
You see, the 30-day challenge helps to spark the momentum of an irreversible wave……Your copywriting business will die without something.
You can do it in less than 60 Minutes a day……And you will do more in the next 30 days…
Than most hackers do in 3 years of copywriting.
If you want to get results now.
Then what you need is a very challenging task
That’s why you will have a very close relationship with the 30 day challenge.
You’re gonna hate it a little……And loved it.
Because it will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone……To the place of Real money Money.
This series of 5-10 minute power packed videos will grab the nape of your copywriter’s neck……And push your results to the a-Listers you thought were reserved alone.
The 30-day challenge is delivered daily and starts with a crack of whip.
We will give you the exact process you need to reverse engineer your 30 day goal.
We will help you set short,non-negotiable deadlines…
By implementing daily execution using our built-in accountability mechanism, it doesn’t take much time to start seeing big ass results.
Then, for the challenge every day……You’ll get a powerful video lesson daily email, as well as a specific call to action to implement and experience the performance breakthroughs you want and deserve.
One video per day is all it takes to see a huge impact on your copywriting business and life as a direct response copywriter.
Extreme results come from extreme execution skills, which is why you will learn to book your day with a quick victory and a strong end.
Accelerating causality is what drives the speed of your results.
Faster cause and faster effect……That is why every day must be seen as an ongoing series of opportunities to speed things up and allow you to get the results you are looking for in your copywriting business, and
Now it’s your turn to make the impossible possible!
Yes! It will be difficult. It requires discipline, accountability, hard work, sustained commitment and relentless action! But in the end,it’s damn worth it!
The challenge of only 30 days is worth the price of access to the underground vault.
Now, let me introduce you…
The underground 7 figure copywriting Secret Library is an important resource for copywriting and Sales Training, Consulting, Strategy, Framework and support you need to successfully be able to position yourself as a demand, bad ass and high paying copywriter in today’s market.
Curious about what kind of training you will get access to as a vault member?
Here’s what you’ll learn internally
Module 1: mindset
In module 1, you will discover how to master the”Inner Game” of copywriting,so you approach each customer interaction and writing challenges confidence, creativity and charm……So the words you write always win sales.
Lesson 1:
A+copywriting mentality
How to stop writing ‘fancy ass’ copies and start selling with the emotional-driven benefits that jack hammers into your prospects ‘ deepest fears and desires(ignore this and your competitors will eat your dinner)
Simple daily exercises are guaranteed to help you stimulate creativity”on demand” without feeling handcuffed by strict rules or routines……So you’ll never stare at a blank page again.
How to think,act and earn like 6 figure A+copywriter… By using a simple’mind trick’to make close deals, write record-breaking copies, and get top dollar payday feels like second nature to you
Which 3 activities should you stack at the beginning of each day… What tasks you need to start delegating, so you stop trading your time for money
Module 2: positioning
In module 2, we will show you stand out from the bottom feeder of copywriting and improve your status so that you are always seen as a top dollar”go to expert”that delivers record-breaking results.
Lesson 1:
Position yourself in the minds of your potential customers
Why mastering a specialized field of copywriting and creating a ‘unique edge’is 100 times more profitable to be a ‘generalist'(which one is you?)
3 unmistakable signs prospects are “copy blind” and why educating your prospects about the value of your services is not your job(here’s how to’dump’ them gently to raise your standards)
Why underestimating your services is the fastest way to damage your reputation and weaken your earning potential(which is the default for too many rookie copywriters)
Why neediness repels clients and how to permanently expel your ‘inner copy coward’so you attract top dollar clients who have the budget to pay you what you actually deserve
Lesson 2:
Build a client close portfolio(below 60: 00)
How to turn off prospects even if you’ve never had a paid client and don’t have a”professional”portfolio (try this…)
A sneaky way to quickly turn someone else’s expensive design sales page into a gorgeous canvas for your copy ability to shine-without paying a dime
Why sharing your portfolio too early can make prospects less attractive to work with you…
…And word-to-word ‘I am the prize frame’ you can use to get prospects on your phone in 3 simple texts or less
Lesson 3:
How to attract and beat prospects
The secret to making a rough edge personality can repel low-dollar tire kicker and attract deep-pocketed customers who can work with it (and how it leads to two six-figure retainers).)
After the US Marine Corps ‘ “crack the whip”Mike used to bump a highly skeptical audience sober and get them almost on command to register an impossible to ignore copy offer
(Mike made two high five-figure deals with this one copy job alone…Imagine what happens when you use this one technique-if you have balls, that’s your income)
Why make your audience laugh bonds you 10 times faster with your prospects than make them think-and how to use humor strategies so you can turn”cuteness”into profitability
Why trial offers work differently than free……As well as the exact language you need to use to position yourself for a bigger payday, once you provide the results(forget to do so and you’ll stay in the basement of the bargain)
What is a copywriting value ladder……And how to use it to’date’your customers before you ask for a fix. Follow this exact order, otherwise you will hurt your chance to”go all the way”(remember:the one who gets slapped first always loses)
Module 3: prospecting
In Module 3, we will show you the “refuse free” way to stop chasing money and deliver results in advance… Therefore, only the most qualified prospects raise their hands and open their wallets to you.
Lesson 1:
How to define…And find your perfect client.
Forget about boring customer avatars……This one technique is the quickest and easiest way to get your prospect’s head and identify their”burning hair”problem that they will pay you to solve…
That’s why showing them what they will get is 100 times more powerful than showing them what you know…
5 action steps you can take today to get you closer to your first 5 monthly target number(#3 is Craig’s favorite)
Lesson 2:
Little-known key to exploration success
7 ‘fatal’ exploration mistakes most freelancers make without knowing (guess what? If you’ve ever posted on a Job Board, chances are you’ve done three)
What your ideal prospect really wants from you(hint:it has absolutely nothing to do with copywriting services)and how to give it to them using these 3 tips
‘Clickbank unravels the mystery’: how Scott laser targets successful but underperforming products…By providing’lead tuning’with guaranteed upside (and how you can writing4 or even 5 figure cash injection by writing each product)
How to pig bring successful clickbank products and show owners how to get a bigger bang for their referrals and paid traffic buck…By paying you to write high conversion backend email campaigns and ads(this is especially suitable)
Get “nichey”with it: how to provide Clickbank owners sub niche email campaigns, create” it’s Fu*cking amazing,man,take my money!””Results
Lurking dollars: which FB groups target with stealth quotes without getting “guided” (hint: do the exact opposite of what Craig tried first, you’ll be golden)
When being “the smartest person in the room” is the dumbest way to win customers (and why Be humble and allow customers to say’no’… Can make them say”yes” faster”)
Lesson 3:
FACEBOOK’s advanced exploration
The truth about using facebook as a customer nurturing, relationship building accelerator… (Even if you hate FB, this still works for you)
Plus one thing that will tell you if it’s worth getting a call with them
Tired of wasting time chasing low dollar, high maintenance customers who make life live in hell? Check these three boxes before you even consider bringing a new client on board so you can dedicate your time to the client who deserves it
32+businesses that need your copywriting help now…And the’code’words they use in FB groups that give you the’green light’ to approach them (NEWSFLASH: they don’t think they have copy problems…So use these words to attract them instead)
Lesson 4:
Steal this “post swipe” template
What is a “post card reader”? This is the customer attraction template that every freelancer needs to ethically steal(you’ll kick yourself if you don’t use this)
Use this”word for word”post in any FB group template to have problems directly with your prospects,the emotional baggage that comes with it, your unique solution and why you’re on their side
What is “plateau Buster” and why tweaking this post will make your customers smile in the joy of greed. If you’ve ever wanted to be a’go’ writer in any niche, this is where the client clings upon and will pay for your next beach vacation
Module 4: consulting sales
In Module 4, you’ll learn how to add value to your exploration and quickly move the ball closer to signed deals with fun customer interactions. (Mike is a master of this). If you hate cold calls and sales conversations……Then you will like this.
Lesson 1:
We are a family owned and operated business with over 30 years of experience.
Not “human person”? If the thought of sales calls gives you a cold sweat, you are not alone. Learn how to convince yourself to enter into a money money conversation that is always a win-win win-win
Control what it really means during a customer conversation, and why the customer secretly wants you to lead the process(use this action alone to lessen their shame/blame for the inner conversation)
Why connecting your prospects quickly is crucial-here’s how to show interest in ways that make your most attractive qualities shine-without buzzing about yourself or drowning in small talk
Lesson 2:
5 minutes consultation found phone
Use these word-to-word scripts to get cold prospects on the phone in record time(plus two strikes you are the rule to repel the piece and bring real$$$to the table)
Psychic sales: the exact questions to ask in the first 3 minutes of a phone call will give you killer insight into your business prospects-and where they leak sales
‘If we do X, we all get rich’ instantly melt your prospects ‘ resistance to working with your future pacing techniques(and instantly set you apart from your copy competition).)
How to quickly identify new revenue streams for your customers……So they see working with you as an investment (not an expense)
Lesson 3:
How to give value before you pitch
One of the fastest paths for’brain-dead’marketing campaigns to create new or’lost’… Then discover’why share these hidden’gold mines’ of income and your potential customers will immediately position you as a value creator (and value taker)
How to use strong social proof……So not working with you feels more painful and risky than promising a mutually beneficial deal
‘One word conquers everything’: exactly what to say to get prospects excited for the first time working with you(it’s like gangbusters, especially if you don’t have a track record)
Lesson 4:
“How to sell anything” framework
Simple micro-commitment’is’ questions to ask, allowing customers to focus on the end result (make more money) and Means (copywriting)
Why you should always assume sales-and the exact wording we use implies that the right sales strategy is an investment that will pay for itself
Time determines everything:when to discuss prices to avoid”sticker shocks” or last-minute objections that break the deal
Why”Never later” and the follow-up process we use turns”no nows”into” Hell YEAHS!”’
Lesson 5:
“One call closer” frame
How to make an ‘unfuckwithable’ agreement that helps the parties win without adding extra work. Using this alone has reduced Craig’s cl
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- Lectures 0
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- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 156
- Assessments Yes
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