Task Decomposition The ‘Magic Power Of Goal Getters’ by Tom O’Conner Nlp
Revealed: “The ‘Magic Power’ & Elite Productivity Strategy That Super-Achievers Use To Manifest Their Goals Up To 10X Times Faster With Greater Ease, Rock Solid Certainty `And Total Clarity…”
Warning: Learning This ‘Magic Power’ will create the foundation for ridiculous productivity, transform how you achieve your goals, remove muddled thinking, fear, uncertainty and doubt about how to achieve your goals, and retire for good excuses and stories as to why you can’t get what you want…
Dear reader,
I feel empathy for anyone who stands in the arena of success… day in day out … strives and works towards creating a greater life. Talented and hard working men and women who have the courage to raise their head and shout out to life “This is what I want!” and “I’m willing to work to get it.”
All too often they share the same frustrating pattern:
They want more
They are willing and often do work hard – to achieve their goals
They’ve frequently studied many personal development products and productivity systems such as GTD, RPM/OPA, Covey Planning system, Mission Control etc. in search of the elusive ‘edge’
They often have big dreams and several major life goals competing for the time
But here’s the rub…
They can’t quite identify why they aren’t producing the level of success and results that they want
Why year after year they are facing the same problems and aren’t making real forward progress
They often feel like they are behind on their goals
When I inquire deeper it becomes clear that many people who share this pattern, who consider themselves achievers or personal development enthusiasts are in one of three places:
afraid and confused about how to go about achieving their goals (stuck)
overworked and on edge – feeling like they are in a constant “push, push, push” mode
overwhelmed and burnt out – where they’ve lost joy for the original goal and feel zapped and exhausted
That sucks. Many, perhaps most, simply give up and settle for results far below their capabilities.
But it doesn’t need to be that way.
The real reason why they don’t make as much progress as they want is because they’ve only been given a third of the strategy for how Super-Achievers produce results.
It goes something like this:
Set some goals. Make them SMART. Take action.
That may have been enough for producing some goals in the 1990’s, but how has it been working for you?
Today with so many demands on our time, so little free attention, increased complexity – the need for a simple system for locking on to your goals with GPS targeted precision showing you the path to making them reality, is what is needed.
In fact, it’s a system that Super-Achievers have been using for decades, but no one has told you about until now.
“Super-Achievers Are More Like Great Painters
Than Personal Development Guru’s”
Super-Achievers those people who are set and achieve big goals, folks who make a ‘dent’ in their universe are far more like great painters than most people know.
Sure they are respected for their successes. Contrary to popular meme, for the vast majority, their success is not down to luck.
They have studied many common approaches to setting and achieving goals. SMART goals. Big hairy audacious (BHAG) goals. Many followed the tried and tested “wheel of life” approach to goal setting, where you write out tons of goals for each area of your life etc.
SMART goals, are often not all that smart! Look around you, how have SMART goals worked out for you?
Having too many goals is often counter productive. You don’t have focus. You have 1001 goals that require attention.
Goals that are big and audacious can be great, but tell you little about how you are going to realise it.
painterSomething more is needed.
Super-achievers have long realised this.
The answer has more in common with painting than self-development.
Painters who create great works, don’t draw a few lines, add some paint and viola think they are done.
Neither do Super-Achievers.
Where 99% of goal and productivity systems stop, super-achiever systems begin. Setting the goal is just the beginning… it’s what happens next is where the real magic happens.
Like great painters, super-achievers change the resolution of their goals.
They go forward, back, up and down. Zoom in, zoom out. Change perspective. Connect their goals with other important areas of their life. They throughly think through the resources required for the goal. They figure out how to create goal flow – the optimal set of actions arranged in a precise configuration that triggers the brain to take massive effective action.
Clear of doubt, confusion or uncertainty that stops most people.
They do all this this and more in a very specific fashion.
“Re-Imagine Your Goals, Bigger, Better, Easier.
Achieve Them Faster With Greater Ease And Confidence”
Like a painter, super-achievers don’t simply draw the goal out once. They re-imagine it many times.
By following a specific strategy, each goal has it’s own comprehensive ‘map’ or picture of what needs to occur for the person to get what they want.
When you have organised and hold your goal statement in that very specific way; the steps to achieve the goal becomes straight-forward, practical, even obvious.
Once the goal map has been created; super-achievers can take highly targeted, ultra focused, super-effective action.
They don’t need to will themselves in to action; because every element of the goal has been connected up with the super-achiever’s clear purpose. Action is clear. Automatic. Goal achievement becomes fun.
They don’t need to push near as hard because they’ve arranged their goal so its attainment is straight forward, the next action is always within reach.
The don’t feel overwhelmed because they aren’t trying to do a 1001 different things, they only need to do one thing, at any moment in time. And that thing is clear (because they are following their goal map.)
They can make better decisions, about what to do when, to get the very maximum leverage for any particular goal.
The process known as Task Decomposition becomes their ‘magic power’ for making goals, reality.
Most goal achievement and productivity systems stay too high level and don’t teach you how to ‘land the plane’ and turn a high level goal like “Lose 3 stone”, “Make $200,000” or “Change careers and do something I love” in to a step-by-step action plan.
That’s where Task Decomposition comes in. You discover a near foolproof system to take any goal, desire or aspiration you have in your life right now and quickly come up with a master plan for making it happen.
A action-by-action map on how to make your goals a reality.
We’ve organised what you’ll learn inside this two day video workshop into five specific areas.
If you want to be a super achiever, it’s starts with discovering what they do differently.
It’s time to get…
The Mindset of Super-Achievers
Top goal achievers think, plan and act differently.
You’ll learn:
The big difference between super-achievers (folks who consistently create great results) and everyone else. Hint: It’s not found where you’ve been looking…td-side
The 3 power phrases that top achievers live by that call forth more success
The 3 super habits top achievers have conditioned up so they can get more of what they want
The 3 letter financial model that super-achievers use to think about which goals to cut and which to move forward on
The startling realisation of what stops people from enjoying more success and achieving their goals
The counter-intuitive strategy that super achievers use to take action that is the opposite of what many personal development gurus teach
The one mental shift toward goal achievement that can increase your goal success rate by a factor of 10X!
“The Real Secrets Behind How To Get
Disproportionate Rewards For Your Efforts”
Not all actions create the same results. Super-achievers zoom out to zoom in on the number 1 action they need to do today, to start creating disproportionate rewards for their efforts.
You’ll discover:
The #1 rule top achievers live by when starting any goal or project by that builds momentum fast
Discover the force you are always fighting against when trying to make things happen and you need to do to overcome it.
The one strategy super-achievers use before they start any major goal. Use this strategy to save yourself countless hours, money and effort…
The three questions you should ask if you see someone has something you want, that can rid you of a envy, help you achieve your goals in fraction of the time and make sure you really are happy when you’ve achieved them
Why being successful isn’t simply a matter of copying and what you need to consider instead if you want to achieve big results.
The simple 3 word phrase that can revolutionise how you think about your goals, so you can achieve your goals many times quicker with less stress, more ease and greater fulfillment
The two signs that let you know when you are on the right path and when it’s time to change the goal
The #1 things smart entrepreneurs & top achievers do when they don’t get the results that they want, that people who struggle and fail don’t
How The Secret may be holding you back and the right way to use the law of manifestation
One where you get to call the shots.
Next you’ll learn…
How Super-Achievers Achieve Goals, FAST
What’s the secret to achieving your goals quicker and faster than ever before?
Removing everything that is superfluous and only do that which is necessary. In a word; be hyper-effective.
That’s what you’ll learn here.
How to keep your brain really clear and on focus on what you need to do
The #1 thing super-successful people do when they pursue their goals
The best thing you can do to make progress on tricky or goals that seem to have got stuck
The right way to represent things so that your mind-and-body have crated an unstoppable bias for action
The key question every top achiever asks daily so they enjoy more successtd-right
Learn the visual way of specifying the goal that works like crazy
Discover the power that ‘video talk’, ‘transformation chunking’ and ‘creating flow’ have in getting you any or everything you want
Why you must get rid of ‘the shadows’ in your goals, if you want to slice weeks/months/years off the achievement of your goal
The one game rule that when you apply this everywhere to your to goals transform your rate of success almost overnight
Discover the magical power’ super-achievers use to transform their goals into a list of simple action to get what the want
NLP course == NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
Hypnosis course == Hypnosis e-Learning
More information about Hypnosis:
Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestiom.
There are competing theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena.
Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary state of consciousness.
In contrast, nonstate theories see hypnosis as, variously, a type of placebo effect, a redefinition of an interaction with a therapist or form of imaginative role enactment.
During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration.
Hypnotized subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.
Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestion.
The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”.
Stage hypnosis is often performed by mentalists practicing the art form of mentalism.
Philosophy – Thinking == Philosophy online course
More information about Philosophy:
Philosophy (from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally “love of wisdom”) is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. 570 – 495 BCE).
Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation.
Classic philosophical questions include: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it? What is most real?
Philosophers also pose more practical and concrete questions such as: Is there a best way to live?
Is it better to be just or unjust (if one can get away with it)? Do humans have free will?
Historically, “philosophy” encompassed any body of knowledge.
From the time of Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle to the 19th century, “natural philosophy” encompassed astronomy, medicine, and physics.
For example, Newton’s 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy later became classified as a book of physics.
In the 19th century, the growth of modern research universities led academic philosophy and other disciplines to professionalize and specialize.
In the modern era, some investigations that were traditionally part of philosophy became separate academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 200
- Assessments Yes