Subliminal Club – Dragon Reborn RED ZP – June 2024
The dragon.
In the West, it’s the embodiment of chaos, a ruthless beast that hoards treasure and leaves a trail of destruction in its wake.
It’s a creature of nightmares, a symbol of malevolence and untamed fury.
But go further East, and the dragon transforms into a revered entity, a powerful and benevolent force associated with strength, wisdom, and immense power.
As we go east, we can see the symbol of the dragon change – beginning with the legends and myths of Britain, where it is said that the coming of King Arthur was prophesied by a red dragon – and his banner carried the symbol of the golden dragon. The very same red dragon, representing the Welsh, was hailed as a symbol of Welsh independence in the face of their enemies.
Going further east, the Slavic peoples’ distinct differences between dragons and “serpents”, where dragons have an incredibly rich history including being the friends and lovers of the common people, in some cases being the protectors and parents of heroic figures, rulers and knights who descended from these very same dragons (more common to the Balkans).
And then even further, to the Chinese peoples’ profoundly in-depth understanding of the dragon and what it is…
A guardian and a symbol of good fortune and celestial might.
A representation of a part of the process of internal alchemy…
And even the very seat of imperial rule exemplified by the dragon throne, adorned with the words “正大光明” – “Just and Honorable”.
Carl Jung, the great psychologist, interpreted the dragon as a profound representation of the unconscious mind.
It embodies our deepest, most primal fears, but also the immense potential for growth and transformation. Confronting and integrating the dragon within ourselves can lead to profound personal evolution.
Different cultures, same symbol. And at the core of it all, a shared, unifying essence:
The dragon is an ancient emblem that encapsulates humanity’s perpetual struggle against the forces of nature.
It’s a stark reminder of our relentless attempt to impose control over the uncontrollable, to dominate the wild, untamed currents of life. Yet, it also whispers the wisdom of surrender, urging us to release our grip, to flow with the rhythm of existence, and to simply live.
The dragon teaches us that true power lies not in domination, but in understanding and embracing the chaotic beauty of life.
Regardless of your aim in life, following the path of the Dragon Reborn is the way to unleash your potential, for you cannot walk alongside the Dragon and not be transformed.
Dragon Reborn…
WARNING – Not For Beginners.
If you want an experience that builds on top of the legacy of the original Dragon Reborn, this is the one for you.
We have done an extensive analysis based upon the immense amounts of data we have been provided by our users of the original Dragon Reborn and rewrote vast amounts of scripting while staying true to the original idea of Dragon Reborn…
That of intense transformation on all levels through healing.
However, the way the new Dragon Reborn: RED tackles healing has been upgraded with the New Subliminal Experience scripting.
In other words…
We increased the impact of Dragon Reborn.
But let’s take a step back for now, and go into what Dragon Reborn is – for those who have never walked the path of the Dragon before.
Dragon Reborn RED is a four stage subliminal title aimed at extremely deep purification of your subconscious mind and being.
If you have an interest in subliminals, you most likely already have a familiarity with the idea of healing and purification.
But do you know the extent of what this entails?
From the moment of your birth, your subconscious mind was there.
Every moment, every emotion, every interaction, every sensory experience, every dream, thought and action.
To this very moment.
All have built out a sprawling network of subconscious structures within your subconscious mind that can be beneficial, neutral or negative – and any mix of them at the same time.
These subconscious structures will massively influence your life, even without you knowing. A simple example is the effect a single occurrence of bullying can have – a fragmented sense of self-esteem for many years to follow, even if the individual does not think of it and indeed has consciously “forgotten” it.
And each one of us have hundreds at the minimum, most likely thousands and more, depending on your age and what kind of life you’ve led.
Each one of these will have sprawling effects on everything within your being and indeed, your very life.
Physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your being, all will be affected.
A positive encounter with a doctor could make you wish to become one in the future… or a negative one, to avoid doctors forever.
A scary experience could stick with you for a long time, making you worried about your safety even if there is no actual danger and you are perfectly safe at the moment, pulling along with it a constant activation of your physical system (putting it into fight-or-flight) and consequently an exhaustion of your energetic systems (for those interested in spirituality).
A brutal string of rejections could cause you to forever abandon the prospect of dating, relationships and deep connections, leading to unhappiness, loneliness, abandonment issues, inability to trust, energetic disbalances and a plethora of other issues.
A lack of funds for basis sustenance could lead one to become so stringent with their funds that they never allow themselves the possibility of taking risk – and therefore stop themselves from seizing greater opportunities for fear of going through those very same negative experiences. An inability to allow opportunity and wealth to flow within your life that leads to stagnancy and a deep dissatisfaction with one’s life.
A public admonishment by one of your school teachers can negatively affect your intellectual abilities for the rest of your life, by placing artificial limits on your own intellect that holds no actual basis in reality, leading to one doubting his intellect and his skills in any subject area (especially academic), pulling with it a host of other issues such as impostor syndrome and analysis paralysis.
Dragon Reborn RED gives you the solution.
And that solution is simple…
REBEL against the artificial limitations placed upon you by the chaos of life, by the whims of authority figures who have no right, credentials or morality to be one, by those who hijack your will, energy and attention every moment of every day, those who will see you fail for no other reason but to satisfy their own delusions.
Simply take a moment now, to take a look through your life.
It is a very simple exercise that will take less than a minute.
Take just a moment with each read – it’s super easy but will give you insight into what controls you.
This is no sales pitch, but an actual emotional analysis that you should be doing to analyze and refine your inner state over time.
Consider all that you have experienced through your life.
What was the most challenging time of your life?
What was the time you felt injustice was wrought against you?
When did you feel abandoned, rejected, not valued?
When did you feel threatened and used?
When did you feel lied on and distrusted?
When did you feel betrayed?
Consider those emotions and memories. Every single one of those was, is and will continue to affect your life, your actions and your relationships.
Every single moment, for the rest of your life.
If you take some more time and dig deeper into your life, you will likely find tendrils of each of those moving through your life, affecting everything that you do in some way.
How long will you let those situations, those emotions, those people and injustices control you?
You’re not even living your own life – you are living someone else’s life…
Even worse – not a life, but an empty facsimile, a twisted amalgamation of multiple people’s warped ideas and indeed, similarly warped subconscious structures.
If you feel angry at the very prospect of still being controlled by something that should have no control over you…
That is…
And from there a true transformation can take place.
That is why we have added extensive rebellion scripting; this scripting will ignite within you a spark of rebellion that will push you to fight against all that is not the true “you”.
All that is twisted, fake, delusional, false within you.
With this scripting, whenever there is a moment of “truth” for you, you will know exactly what you need to do, and you will have that flame within you to help you take the correct action (if you wish to do so – you are in control after all).
Imagine being free from all of it.
Your life…
Is finally your own.
What if you had no such external limitations placed upon you?
A completely different reality would be yours.
What would it feel like to be in the midst of the most uplifting time of your life?
A time where everything comes easy, and you fly out of the bed to begin your day?
A time when you’ve let go of the grudges of the past, corrected the wrongs dealt upon you and gotten your justice?
How amazing would it be to feel cherished, accepted, and truly valued right now? Surrounded by loving and supportive people, loneliness a long forgotten feeling?
Imagine feeling completely safe in every aspect of your life, where no worries assault your mind and support being there for you in every step you take?
What if you experienced complete honesty and trust from everyone around you?
What could you accomplish if you knew, deep in your soul, that you can trust those close to you?
How incredible would it be to feel unwavering loyalty and faithfulness from those who matter most to you?
THAT is the essence of Dragon Reborn: RED.
And we achieve this with the newest additions of extensive NSE style scripting specifically tailored to Dragon Reborn: RED.
Remember how we mentioned we increased the impact of Dragon Reborn?
We also made it significantly smoother.
Through the NSE scripting, Dragon Reborn: RED now interweaves situations within your life that help dissolve, heal, transform and transcend all the subconscious structures holding you back.
By doing this, the impact of Dragon Reborn is massively increased while also having the positive effect of making it smoother; when change within your life is perfectly smooth and it feels like “nothing” is happening, that is when the greatest change is possible.
For in that very moment, both your subconscious and conscious minds are in unison in their opinions, that what is actually happening at the very moment is completely NORMAL and that it is exactly as it should be for you.
Let us rephrase that more clearly…
If you are experiencing incredible things happening in your life, and things are so incredibly smooth for you that it feels normal, then we have successfully done our job.
Because both your subconscious and conscious minds will consider that normal; and then through the power of Dragon Reborn, the next stages of development can commence, until normalcy is again achieved.
The cycle can then repeat, until you are living a life Reborn in the image of the Dragon.
Just like life is cyclical, so is Dragon Reborn: RED – and that is why it is composed of four different stages which build upon each other, targeting different aspects of your subconscious structures.
The very first stage of Dragon Reborn: RED.
Dragon Fire, just like in the original Dragon Reborn, serves to purify and cleanse your being of impurities.
Negative beliefs, emotions, energies, limitations and subconscious structures in general – all are subject to the purification of ST1: Dragon Fire. This includes potentially harmful scripting you’ve picked up somewhere else (like another subliminal) – and not to worry, anything positive is untouched.
This is a profoundly in-depth and wide cleansing; physical, mental, spiritual. Just like we said in the beginning, this is not for beginners.
With this stage you will also become more impervious to the formation of future negative subconscious structures.
With the addition of NSE, situations that help you to rapidly purify and breakdown these limiting structures are going to appear – be confident, face them head on and be not afraid to face your shadow, for you will come out stronger afterwards.
Feel the breakdown, let yourself be cleansed in the fire and then continue to…
The pure healing stage of Dragon Reborn: RED.
This is, again, comprehensive and in-depth healing on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual.
While the previous stage focused completely on breaking down, Dragon Blood takes a slower approach that can often dissolve the more stubborn areas that Dragon Fire is unable to. With this approach, anything that Dragon Fire cannot tackle will be easily healed and transformed through Dragon Blood.
In addition, Dragon Blood has scripting that helps you strengthen yourself so that any wounds in the future are not as strong – your natural state will have a degree of calmness that helps you handle anything life throws at you. This is also a natural consequence of gradually healing yourself – when there are less subconscious structures that throw you off balance, your inner state is naturally resting on much stronger foundations.
Having taken your first breath after being rejuvenated by ST2: Dragon Blood, it is time to…
Take flight.
ST3: Dragon Flight is about transcending the subconscious structures.
What do we mean by this?
Some of the subconscious structures deeply ingrained within our minds, including beliefs, traumas and negative emotions, require a long time to be dealt with through purification or healing, as they can seem to be too “integral” to “who we are”, and thus need consistent hacking away to be dealt with.
However, a rarely utilized answer is the approach of transcendence. Consider all the issues you’re currently, consciously aware of (which is very likely less than 1% of the actual subconscious structures – for comparison); some of them which would require a thorough and extensive approach simply need to be “looked at from afar” for what they truly are – transcendable in the grand scheme of things.
When there are greater things than you, the simple act of comparison helps the subconscious mind to transcend these subconscious structures.
For example…
Compare the inability to get a six pack with the vast enormity of the ever-expanding cosmos. The space between your home and the local grocery store is between 1 to 5 miles. The circumference of Earth is 24, 904 miles. The space between Earth and the Sun is 94 million miles. The space from Earth to the center of the Milky Way galaxy is 152,828,000,000,000,000 miles.
Does one human’s six pack really matter in the grand cosmos?
This is not meant to discourage you – you should go for that six pack. However, the very act of “transcending” in such a way loosens the subconscious structure and gives your subconscious mind space to work with.
To quote Marcus Aurelius (who worked with similar ideas – note, the example given is not necessarily tied to the exercises provided by Marcus Aurelius – it is simply an example):
“Reflect often upon the rapidity with which all things pass by and disappear… such is the nature of those who experience and those who witness the passing spectacles.” (Meditations, Book 4.3)
Other examples could be made, depending on one’s personal experiences, such as experiencing the different jhana states in Buddhism/Hinduism – be aware, it is not necessary for you to come up with your own.
With ST3: Dragon Flight, when all else fails, transcendance is the next stage.
At a certain point, you simply have to take flight.
You could be so much more if you simply allowed yourself, hence Dragon Flight helps you go beyond all your blockages and subconscious structures, to become more knowing of your true, limitless potential.
All these limitations become insignificant in comparison to your destiny – if you are brave enough to face it.
Through ST3: Dragon Flight, you’ll be able to put together all that you’ve gone through in the previous stages and use it to achieve even greater purification and healing, allowing yourself to fly ever higher.
Wisdom, vision and knowledge all naturally develop through ST3: Dragon Flight – for your inner world naturally becomes more “illuminated”, so that you develop a greater and greater understanding of who you truly are. Not the imposed on you structures, but the true you.
Reconnect with that true you.
Re-discover yourself.
Gain control over your conditioning, beliefs, emotions.
Shape yourself into something legendary.
Deep realizations follow when utilizing such a profound stage as ST3: Dragon Flight. Due to the previous two stages, you will be well prepared to handle these realizations of self that come up, and hence you’ll be able to tap into the greatest potential and execution of them.
Furthermore, ST3: Dragon Flight will naturally improve your sense of purpose, vision, ambition as the mind will have more and more space for greatness, rather than dwelling on the same old rehashed blockages, traumas and limitations.
Finally, with NSE, you are quite likely to experience profound states of transcendence that shift a large amount of subconscious structures in a natural way. We strongly recommend you finish the previous two stages, as they will help you understand these experiences if they do show up.
After you have learned how to take off towards your limitless potential, it is time for…
Welcome to the final stage.
This is the stage that brings together all three together into a unified whole.
Utilizing the previous stages in tandem, ST4: Dragon Reborn tackles all the limiting beliefs, traumas, limitations, negative memories and emotions with the exact tool it needs at the moment.
This has a holistic effect on everything that you do, all that you are.
While not as effective as any more focused title such as R.I.C.H for wealth, or Alchemist for spirituality, Dragon Reborn: RED will have profound effects on every single side of you, and make future subliminal use easier and more effective as there is less halting your progress.
With the profound NSE technology guiding you to situations that will help you massively purify, heal and transcend all the subconscious structures holding you back, and the rebellion scripting helping you break through any these situations successfully and with power, Dragon Reborn: RED is the world’s most profound healing subliminal and the most life-changing, deep subconscious transformation and healing journey that one could embark on.
Before you decide to purchase, be absolutely sure you are willing to embark on a journey of such caliber – a journey that will take you to the deepest parts of your being, that will lead you through your greatest falls and the most astonishing successes.
To make it clear:
If you’ve never used any Subliminal Club subliminal, please start from a title such as Ascension followed by a harder title like Emperor. There will be reconciliation, but there also will be untold greatness waiting for you with Dragon Reborn: RED – it will be your worst enemy, your closest friend, your wisest advisor, and one of the most powerful tools that you will be able to use again and again throughout your life, whenever you need another phase of profoundly intense self-discovery.
Feed the rebellion of your soul.
Take action now.
Take Subliminal Club – Dragon Reborn RED ZP – June 2024 at
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes