Shogun Sequences Handbook Volume 2
This Armory Of Battle-Tested Shogun Sequences® Will Take Your Shogun Method Skills To Grandmaster Level
Controlling, dominating and emotionally enslaving a woman is like shooting fishes in a barrel with this pack of industrial strength Shogun Sequences® – no prior experience of hypnosis is necessary
An advanced Shogun Sequence which covertly persuades a woman to release her inhibitions and act on her primal urges. Get her to “let go” and lower her defenses against you! Especially effective on “good” women who are seemingly hard to seduce.
The Mystery Box
Create a high amount of Intrigue so that you can catch her attention and quickly move on to the Rapport stage in the IRAE Model. If you’re having sticking points in coming up with good Intrigue Pings then this Shogun Sequence is the solution.
Twisted Bliss
Deploy this on an attached woman so that she is persuaded to take a chance with you, forgetting about the “dangers” of ruining her relationship with her partner. Best used in conjunction with the standard Boyfriend Destroyer routine in Shogun Method.
One Winged Angel
A one-of-a-kind Shogun Sequence which utilizes “negative Anchoring” to make a woman develop an intense dislike for her boyfriend (or anyone else who may be interested in her). Use this to destroy your competitors!
Immediately increase your Sexual Value in her eyes by using this variation of the classic Value Elicitation Sequence combined with Mirroring and Projection techniques. Best used in the Rapport stage to escalate quickly to Attract stage in the IRAE Model.
False Memory Sequence
Force her to “remember” that she had once referred to you as her ideal man (even though she has not). “False Memories” is an advanced Shogun Method tactic which can be devastatingly powerful when used correctly – this Shogun Sequence gives you a quick way to get the results you want.
False Memory Sequence (ReSeduction Variation)
This is a ReSeduction variation of the False Memory Sequence which you can use to revive a failing relationship. Using it, you’ll implant a False Memory which forces her love for you to gradually rejuvenate. Powerful stuff.
The Breakup Preventer
Feeling that your woman might be deciding to leave you? The Breakup Preventer works by forcing her to think of the bad things that will happen if the relationship is over. Make her feel the pain even before the breakup happens – so that she gets second thoughts about leaving you.
Hyper Enslavement
This Shogun Sequence is one of those rare Enslavement stage routines (apart from the classic Black Rose Sequence). Use this to strengthen the Enslavement effect especially when you feel that it is wearing off.
Cold Mode Engager
Your woman may well be targeted by other men – especially when you’re not with her physically. “Inoculate” her from the advances of other men using the Cold Mode Engager sequence and be safe!
The Rainmaker Sequence makes her see you as an educated, interesting person worthy of her attention. Use it as a powerful Intrigue Ping which you can use in a variety of situations.
Rusty Nail
This is an “anti-breakup” Shogun Sequence for use on problematic relationships or failing marriages. Combine it with the Breakup Preventer as a “last resort” – if you think that a breakup or divorce is imminent.
Dream Evil
If you’re looking for an easy way to escalate physically with any woman, then look no further! The Dream Evil sequence makes her want to live out her sexual fantasies and carry them out in a safe environment… with you.
Frozen Tears
“Freezing out” is a potent Shogun Method technique which you can use to revive a woman’s interest in you. The Frozen Tears sequence takes it a step further and mind-fuck a woman like nothing else – remember to exercise constraint!
Contextual Rapport is how you fall into the Friend Zone. Use the Amethyst sequence to breeze through the Rapport stage and build attraction quickly by getting her to see you as a potential lover, not merely a “Friend”.
Lost Souls
Your target may have a bad impression of you for a variety of reasons. Use this Shogun Sequence to make her see that you’re unlikely other guys, making you stand out from the crowd.
A Kiss In The Dark
Another physical escalation Sequence, deploy it to plant the thought in her mind that you may choose to get physical with her – but only under your own terms. This puts power in your hands, making YOU the arbiter of sex instead of her.
Reverse Mind Games
Mind games come naturally to women! If she is showing signs of trying to mind-fuck you, then fight fire with fire – use this Shogun Sequence on her. Put her on the brink of rejection while giving her just enough hope to stay in the relationship.
Red Pill, Blue Pill
This Shogun Sequence is a powerful Rapport builder which makes her associate you with freedom, exhilaration and enjoyment. It also allows her to loosen up and take risks doing new things with you.
Misdirection Sequence
Misdirection is a standard Shogun Method technique you can use to draw a woman’s conscious attention to something else while you plant a thought into her subconscious mind. Use this Shogun Sequence as a way to make her imagine anything you want her to.
Ladder of Agreement
This Shogun Sequence builds on the “Yes Ladder” Shogun Method technique which you can use to get a woman to comply with your wishes. Use it on a “stubborn” woman and you’ll get her subservience to you quickly and easily.
Phoenix Rising
Stuck in a sexless long-term relationship or marriage? Deploy this Shogun Sequence and your girlfriend or wife will crave your touch once again! Here’s how it works – it makes her imagine lovemaking in a highly erotic environment in a vivid way.
If your woman has gone cold on you, all you need to do is to “force” her to think about you even if she’s trying to forget you. The Indirection Sequence will do this for you by provoking her (it sounds harsh, but it works.)
This unique Shogun Sequence allows you to implant into her mind the idea that her feelings for you are beyond human description, convincing her that her connection and rapport with you is true and deep.
With this Shogun Sequence, you will be challenging her statements and disqualifying her advances. Deliver this Sequence correctly (follow the instructions inside Notes From the Field) and expect her to start chasing you.
Know How To Deploy Your Shogun Sequences® Effectively – Download The Exclusive “Notes From The Field” Guide For Free
Free With Every Purchase Of Shogun Sequences® Handbook Volume 2
“Notes From The Field” contains important tips on how to deploy Shogun Sequences® effectively in order to get the best results for you
- Developed by our master instructors led by Derek Rake from intensive in-field research and testing
- Unique, separate instructions and tips for each of the 25 Shogun Sequences®
- Discover which Shogun Sequence® to deploy inside which IRAE stage
- Know exactly which Shogun Sequence® to use given your specific situation or sticking point
- Understand how to combine the Sequences with broader Shogun Method tactics for optimal results
- Specific pitfalls to avoid when delivering each Shogun Sequence®
- …and more!
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 164
- Assessments Yes