Super conference 2019
How We Plan To 5X Your Investment
This is the 16th Annual Marketing and Money-Making SuperConference℠ and First-EVER Wealth by Entrepreneurship and by Marketing SuperConference. This will be different from anything ever done before. While we always strive to create the best event and deliver breakthrough business concepts that will change your life and business, this year we tasked our team with a specific goal: to AT LEAST 5X’s your SuperConference investment. At this year’s SuperConference, you will receive very detailed, paint-by-number formulas and templates delivered in a hands-on way you can implement immediately to make money. You’ll also discover how to remove obstacles and hurdles standing in your way. Important because — Eliminating obstacles standing between money and you can be more powerful than adding any new strategies, products, or work.
How do we plan to do that?
We are doing things that have never been done before.
At our first-ever Wealth by Entrepreneurship and by Marketing focused SuperConference, we are bringing in not one, not two, but an unprecedented FOUR celebrity speakers who will be there to tell you how they did it and how you can too. Steve Forbes needs no introduction. He will share how he’s built his authority, becoming one of the most respected economic forecasters leading the world’s most influential business websites and publications. Self-made billionaire, Ken Fisher founded and runs the largest independent and founder-run money management firm which he started with only $250 and grew it by building a MARKETING “MACHINE”. Now one of the richest men in the world, Ken has had an illustrious career witnessing everything from the stock market crash of 1987 to the bull markets of the 1980s and 1990s to the tech bubble of 2000 and the global market meltdown in 2008. Alan Mulally, also self-made, was not only the CEO at Boeing when 9/11 happened where 50% of their orders were wiped out in one day, but was the CEO of Ford doing something no one, not even Bill Ford, the great-grandson of company founder Henry Ford, could do. From a $17 billion loss when he started to a $20 Billion net profit and the most profitable automobile company in the world when he left 8 years’ later, he got 400,000 employees working together. He’ll also be handing the keys over to a 2019 Ford Mustang. Will it be you? And then there’s Cordia Harrington. Growing up dirt poor, she made one brilliant move after another, starting as a single entrepreneur quickly evolving into a team and building a $100 million dollar a year company from her personal investment of $578.
As marketers, we expect you to upsell and we wouldn’t be setting a good example to you if we didn’t try to upsell you on occasion. But here’s the thing, our focus at the Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference will be on powerful training about money and wealth. Step-by-step formulas you can instantly implement to make more money. None of the speakers we are bringing in will sell anything. There will be optional, sponsored meal functions and an expert and resource marketplace. While there will be offers, you will NOT need to purchase anything additional to 5X your investment.
You’ll be blown away with what we have in store for you—inspiring speakers combined with actionable, step-by-step formulas, hands-on intensives with take-home, how-to workbooks that include the steps and templates you need to succeed. Plus, we have a few surprises in store you won’t want to miss! So, read on and see if you can find all the wealth tips we’ve hidden inside this special SuperConference page.
Dedicated To Multiplying Your Income,
Dan Kennedy, No B.S. Inner Circle Founder
“You see a tiny crack in the door, and you have to run through it.”
– Cordia Harrington
The 2019 SuperConference
Featured Guest Speakers
THREE Influential Leaders With Extraordinary Messages That Will Challenge & Inspire You To New Heights of Achievement & Wealth
Growing up in poverty, Cordia Harrington was driven to succeed. She began her entrepreneurial path in the 5th grade when she turned her backyard into a neighborhood daycare. Upon graduating from college, she launched her own real estate company with $587, later selling her award-winning real estate and construction company to Coldwell Bankers in 1989. Buying a McDonald’s franchise next, she also purchased a Greyhound bus franchise, changing its routes to run past her restaurant. This elevated her restaurant sales to the top 40 in the United States.
Joining the McDonald’s corporate bun committee, she was introduced to the ground floor of the bakery. When McDonald’s decided they wanted a new bun supplier, she became determined to win the contract.
She sold her 3 franchises, emptied her bank accounts and borrowed $13.5 million, pouring all her resources into creating the Tennessee Bun Company, the fastest and most automated bakery in the world. The company now includes four plants and 12 product lines, serving elite customers in the U.S., Caribbean, and South America. Her businesses include Bakery Express (trucking) and Cold Storage of Nashville (a freezer facility), Tennessee Bun Company, Nashville Bun Company, Cornerstone Baking Company, and Masada. Elite customers include McDonald’s, Five Guys, Sara Lee, and Whole Foods, to name a few.
You’ll be inspired by Cordia’s focus and drive to create opportunities, commitment to excellence, and business savvy which has earned her local and national recognition including the Top 50 Fastest Growing Woman-Owned Businesses, Entrepreneur of the Year and Most Admired CEO, Lifetime Achievement.
When it comes to wealth attraction, money reacts to certain actions taken by you but ignores you should you fail to take those actions. Cordia has seized opportunities, excelling in the manufacturing, transportation, restaurant, real estate, and construction industries. Don’t squander your opportunity to hear from one of the top women business builders on how she built her empire starting with just $587.
“What distinguishes highly successful investors from everyone else is what the smart ones don’t do as much as what they do. Really sharp investors don’t get sucked in by the trend du jour.”
– Ken Fisher
“The data sets you free.”
– Alan Mulally
Wealthy people apply time to acquiring the know-how required to create their desires. “I am told by people all the time that they simply do not have time to read and listen to all the material they have purchased or subscribed to. But time is democratic and just. Everyone has the same amount. When I choose to read with my mid-morning coffee break and you choose to blather about trivia with friends when I choose to study for an hour sitting on my backyard deck at day’s end, but you choose to watch a TIVO’d American Idol episode, we reveal much. When someone says he does not have the time to apply himself to acquiring the know-how required to create sufficient value for his stated desires, he is a farmer surrounded by ripe fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and a herd of cattle on his own property who dies of starvation, unable to organize his time and discipline himself to eat.”
– Dan S. Kennedy
5 Things
NO ONE ELSE Will Tell You
People who follow Dan Kennedy already know a lot, have read a lot and have heard a lot about his “special relationship” with Money. It is a core, central and foundational aspect of his own success and the successes he has in work with clients, regularly and routinely raising them from 6-figure to 7-figure incomes, from million dollar to centi-million dollar all the way to a half billion dollar net worth. While his marketing acumen and methods get most of the credit, he asserts it is deep study of and understanding of the mind and behavior of Money that underlies it all.
IN THE WEALTH ZONE @ SuperConference, Dan will present multiple presentations including an entirely new collection of facts, principles, and strategies for entrepreneurs: 5 Things NO ONE ELSE Will Tell You About MONEY, That You Desperately Need To Know.
As you probably know, Kennedy does not mince words, deal in lofty and vague concepts or academic theory, or worry about offending, and will not do so here in The Wealth Zone. Instead, you can count on him being confrontational, challenging you to re-think how you relate to money, and tasking you with specific actions to take to expand and accelerate your wealth attraction and accumulation. There will be no pie charts, bar graphs or mathematical formulas to numb your mind and glaze your eyes. Nothing you would EVER hear or get in a university classroom or from your CPA, financial advisor or tax lawyer. His “system” has come from direct, personal experience of initiating, building and growing a fortune from scratch, leveraging made from scratch skills; being broke and dumb about money before getting smart about it and rich. His concrete recommendations have also evolved from and been validated by 45+ years’ working in the trenches with from scratch millionaire and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs in the most diverse and eclectic range of businesses and professions imaginable. Because he has traveled these paths, you can trust his navigational directions.
The mythology of money perpetrated and promoted by a number of interest groups, Machiavellian charlatans, incompetents, and idiots irritates Kennedy to no end. This presentation rips the mythology to shreds. You will never again think about money as you did when you entered his room!
No B.S. Legends
Uncovering The Best Opportunities & Great Ideas
From Within Our Own Community…
“If you hate the work, if you are working so that you “don’t have to work” … you’ll never make it over the hump. At the first sign of challenge, you’ll give up and go home because you were never invested in the work to begin with.”
Michael Cage spent the better part of a decade mastering what it takes to produce real business growth through results-driven marketing. In the past 36 months, Michael has grown a business from scratch to a high 8-figure, knocking on 9-figure business in a commoditized industry using multi-step direct marketing.
For Michael, it’s all about business as art, entrepreneurs as artists, and work that makes a difference. He is unreasonably passionate about his ideas, cares deeply about his business and the people it serves, and he believes in building a business that makes a difference. His life’s work is about giving you the advice and resources that bridge the gap between a great idea and a sustainable, scalable business that richly rewards all involved. A master marketer, Michael will unveil how he attracts massive traffic and converts it like crazy and how you can too.
“You have to love the work”
– Michael Cage
“The product is least important. A business that is most successful has world class systems. “It takes much more effort these days to stay on top—not only to be successful, but legal. I believe it takes systems to survive today…”
– Chris Tomshack
Never, ever fail to make a specific offer or offers, and have a clear call to action. “So much bad advertising fails to tell the reader/listener/viewer exactly what is expected of them, what to do next, and how to do it, in clear terms. Build an appealing offer…a strong offer inspires the prospect to rush – RUSH – to respond. And has him excited about everything he’s going to get.”
– Bill Glazer
Other No B.S. Inner Circle Leaders –
Appearing & Presenting, Hosting Round Tables, Meeting ‘N Greeting In Diamond Lounge, Coaching Luncheon, Etc.
Evolve or Die. “Business owners must constantly adapt to keep a captive audience—correction: to keep any audience.” – Adam Witty
“To stand out in the new media landscape you must ‘own’ your brand and be intentional about the Authority you project.”- Rusty Shelton
Self-made wealthy don’t save their way to wealth by cutting back, they invest to earn more. “I think it’s gross negligence for any entrepreneur not to study and master direct response marketing and sales. And, if they are struggling because of it, it’s their own damn fault.”- Dave Dee
“The un-rich believe the most important marketing is in attracting new customers, the exceptionally successful and rich entrepreneur realizes marketing to and nurturing the existing customer is paramount.”- Darcy Juarez
“Ask questions. Successful people create not only wealth but the quality of life that their hearts desire by tapping into the power of their brain through asking questions.” — LEE MILTEER
Innovate, don’t invent. The self-made wealthy know that it’s taking good ideas and making them better that creates real wealth. Un-wealthy believe you need an all-new big idea. Traveling salesman King C. Gillette created the first safety razor with a disposable blade in 1901, selling the first one in 1903, but shaving with razors had already been around for years. In 1740, Benjamin Huntsman was making straight razors. In 1847, William Henson invented the hoe-shaped razor most people have in their medicine cabinets. Upon anticipation of his patent running out, Gillette redesigned the razor again. To this day, the Gillette razor still undergoes improvements and redesign to make their design better and “new.” Incidentally, Gillette was a master of marketing. An early ad from 1910 declared, “The Gillette is a builder of regular habits. Own a Gillette—be a master of your time—shave in three minutes.” Gillette asserted its razor was a “godsend to a sailor” and equated clean-shaven cheeks with manly military discipline. In 1918, the U.S. military began issuing each soldier a Gillette shaving kit. Sales rose from 1.1 million razors in 1917 to 3.5 million razors and 32 million blades in 1918.
How To Grow The Value And Equity In Your Business Even If You Don’t Ever Plan To Sell…
But if you DO want to sell, here’s how to make your business worth a whole lot more!
By the end of the day, you’ll know what to do and how to grow the value and equity in your company as well as how to create an exit strategy for your business should you decide to sell. The day will end with a Q&A session with our panel of experts.
Be A Doer. The wealthiest of the wealthy are mostly entrepreneurs. In 2018, 241 of the Forbes 400 made their fortunes from scratch. Another 36 made a large portion of their money even if also inheriting some wealth. Translation: 71% of the ultra-rich got there through ambition, initiative, drive, grit, ingenuity, hard work, and entrepreneurship. Their wealth has not separated them from those values. Only 116 of the 400 inherited their fortunes. Thinking of the ultra-rich as a silver-spoon-in-mouth crowd born of the lucky sperm club would be a serious mistake. This is not who they are, and it is definitely not how they think of themselves. The most successful and wealthiest No B.S. Members are not just entrepreneurs –but the doers of the community. They are disciplined. They ALWAYS show up. They consistently make and commit to time spent working ON their business. There is no “someday” –they read or hear a good idea and implement it right away.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 200
- Assessments Yes