Michael Perez – Analog Hypnosis – Hipnoza Analogowa
[ENGLISH w / POLISH TRANSLATION] Michael Perez – Analog Hypnosis – Analog Hypnosis [7DVDs]
MICHAEL PEREZ Hypnosis Over Words: Introduction to Advanced Analog Hypnosis Training Recorded at two days seminar Released by ChangeMasters Training mainly about: How to use Analog Channel to * communicate and .. * trance anybody without any typical induction * trance people with any words, between the words, or even without words, * easy put client in trans, and easly * be better, convincing speaker * trance, being trance state medium * understand how does brain work in trance state + Rapid Inductions YOUTUBE PREVIEW – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0PNEpsbSc0Quote:* What is this training? Have you been taught that hypnosis is mostly based on the words you say? Whether it’s hypnotic language patterns or hypnotic scripts, most people think that’s what hypnosis is all about. Say the words in the correct order and people go into a trance. Or at least that’s the theory. * What if I told you that you can say any words, any words, in any language, in any order, or even say nothing in a way that makes people easily go into altered states of consciousness or trance states? Where can they do these things and make such profound changes in their lives that would otherwise not be possible? … Or to help people enter trance who have never been hypnotized by other methods? … Or even change people’s states of consciousness when you speak completely different languages? * Master hypnotist and personal change specialist Michael Perez will draw on his decades of experience and give you his own unique thoughts and discoveries on how to use an analog communication channel to influence other people’s states of consciousness. * And it won’t be just a theory. You will learn how to put virtually anyone into a trance without the need for a traditional induction, and how to bring them back so smoothly and effortlessly that they won’t even notice the transition! What’s more, you’ll do it yourself before the weekend ends! * You will also learn how to use these techniques in your daily communication to become a convincing and compelling speaker in any situation. * You will learn to communicate more effectively and convince others better * You will become a better, more fascinating interlocutor * You will learn how to induce a trance without the need for typical induction * You will understand how hypnosis works and what happens in your brain when you enter a trance * You will learn how to hypnotize without using words and between words, when you become the carrier of a hypnotic trance * You will get rid of limiting beliefs about the nature of hypnosis and how to induce it * You will learn to pay more attention to your interlocutors and thus have a better relationship with them * You will have the opportunity to get to know and learn from one of the most experienced trainers in the field of NLP and Hypnosis. Who will lead this training? Michael Perez is an extremely experienced NLP and Hypnosis trainer. Long years of learning from the best and using the acquired skills in practice have borne fruit when he was forced to deal with a serious, incurable and degenerative spine disease. Today, he teaches the methods and technologies that he used then to deal with this extremely serious problem – testifying to their exceptional effectiveness. Michael is known for his exceptional sense of humor, warm, supportive approach and a great deal of knowledge and skills that are regularly appreciated by the readers of the largest international forum on NLP, “NLP Connections,” which he actively moderates
NLP online course
So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self