Markus Ruhl – Made in Germany
[German | English] Rühl – Made in Germany [1 DVD – Rip]
The new movie “Rühl – Made in Germany” is much more than a usual training videofilm; It is a biography, portrait, bodybuilding- and trainingsmovie in once. -Hardcore workout: The movie does not show any faked scenes but real hardcore workouts with unbelievable big weights. In the selectable audio commentary Markus tells about his favourite exercises, how to get the best efficiency and how to avoid false steps in the gym. You can learn that not every legendary classic exercise is as good as it is said to be. Surprising, shocking, informative and funny! – Nutrition and diet: Markus gives detailed informations about his feeding plan, his meals, nutrition supplements,- how much, what time and in which way! -The People vs. Markus Rühl: The cameras followed Markus through the usual week-days. Markus in public causes ludicrous, funny and unbelievable situations when the people meet the 310 pound giant. – Leisure time, hobbies, friends: Supermarket, friends, restaurant, fast food, special guest at the popular DTM or even privat person at home,- maintaining views on the life beyond the sport. -Seminars and guest posing: Markus’ nice and friendly nature inspires his fans worldwide. At the seminars and guest posings he answeres FAQ humorously and informatively: Experiences on and behind the stage, other IFBB professionals, advices and hints, injuries, friends, private life and much more. -Championships: Partial unreleased material from several competitions: Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classics, Nigh of Champions and several grand prix. Watch Markus and other competitors on stage and get even impressions from the backstage area. -private video diary: During the diet and preparation for coming competitions Markus is taping himself on video. So he is able to compare changes in mass, shape and posing. Witness his incredible muscular development over several weeks. -The early years: A lot of fans can not believe that it its really Markus when they see pictures showing him as a teenager. Now you can see for the very first time private video material from this era. The first steps in the gym and much more!Markus Rühl “Rühl – Made in Germany” is a fascinating documentary that showes the professional IFBB bodybuilder as close, personal, funny and real as nothing ever before!
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self