Getting Started In Consulting 3rd Ed (2009) ([eBook (PDF)] by Alan Weiss
Product Details
Series: Getting Started in Consulting
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 3rd Edition (23 March 2009)
English language
ISBN-10: 0470419806
ISBN-13: 978-0470419809
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View Rates & Shipping Policies)
Average customer review: 4.5 out of 5 stars see all reviews (31 customer reviews)
Amazon top sellers rank: # 32,354 in books (see top 100 books)
# 19 in books> business and investment> industries and professions> Consulting
Product description
The Unrivaled, Updated, Comprehensive Guide For Beginner Consultants
Getting Started in Consulting
More people than ever are making the leap from corporate offices to home offices, taking control of their future, being their own bosses, and starting their own consultations. Consulting is a bigger business than ever and growing every day.
For nearly ten years, Alan Weiss’s job “Getting Started in Consulting” has been an indispensable resource for anyone looking to start their own consulting business. It provides a rich source of expert advice and practical advice, and shows you how low overhead and high organization can be combined to generate six or even seven figure income. You will learn everything you need to know about financing your business, marketing your services, writing winning proposals, fulfilling legal requirements, setting fees, keeping records, and more.
This new third edition of Getting Started in Consulting is more complete, modern, and practical than ever. In addition to the basics of nuts and bolts, you also get a ton of new information and resources:
* How to use new technologies to reduce costs of your business and increase profits
* Sample budget that shows you how to best maximize your initial investment of $ 5,000, $ 10,000 or $ 20,000
* Free downloadable tools and forms to help you develop and start your business quickly and easily
* New interviews with consultants who have achieved rapid success, including their personal stories and best practices;
* Brand new links, examples and apps
If your dream in life is to get out of the office and get out on your own, counseling is a great way to do this. Make sure you do it right — and do it profitably — with Getting Started in Consulting, Third Edition.
From the back cover
Consulting is clearly one of the fastest growing and most changing fields of activity today, with total global revenues expected to exceed $ 100 billion in 2001. As more companies outsource many functions and the number of professionals pursuing the dream of self-employment grows, there is a great demand for information on how to start a consulting practice.
This book is a focused, hands-on guide to starting a consulting business that teaches you how low overhead and high organization can lead to six figures in income – in many cases, working from a home office. Along with many useful charts and tables, it provides comprehensive coverage of important areas such as:
* How to fund a consulting practice
* Marketing consulting services to corporate clients
* Writing offers that sell
* Legal requirements for consulting practice
* Fee setting, billing, bookkeeping and more
From laid-off managers and executives to retired professionals looking for a second career, consultants in large organizations looking to have their own practice, hired managers looking for more job security, to entrepreneurs, MBA graduates and the like who want an independent future, and those For those seeking to establish a partial practice, getting started in consulting will prove to be an invaluable resource in achieving their goals. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Business Online Course
Business Information:
A business is an activity aimed at making a living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[citation needed for verification] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for the purpose of making a profit.
This does not mean that it is a company, corporation, partnership, or any other formal organization, but it can range from a street vendor to General Motors. ”
The presence of a company name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the enterprise is responsible and liable for the debts incurred by the enterprise.
If the business acquires debt, creditors can go after the owner’s personal property.
The business structure does not include corporate tax rates. The owner is personally taxed on all business income.
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- Lectures 0
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- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 196
- Assessments Yes
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