FXMasterCourse – FX Master Course
How to Trade FX Like a PROFESSIONAL Hedge Fund Manager! Step-by-Step, Comprehensive Systems that Generate Consistent Returns!
Discover a system proven over decades by some of the best fund managers in the industry. Discover the underlying factors that drive the FX market consistently to produce great returns. Discover how to create a truly great FX benchmark that will keep on generating consistent growth, allowing you to focus on tactical short-term profits
“The FX Master Course is really exactly what it says on the tin: a master-class in foreign exchange trading presented by an active fund manager with experience at the highest level in the industry.”
Dr Codirla breaks down an incredibly complex subject into an easy to comprehend and manageable format. Trading successfully requires not just signals or indicators but rather a comprehensive understanding of economics, monetary policy and foreign exchange theory. All of these topics are addressed in detail with emphasis on what is needed to design one’s own profitable trading strategy. I don’t believe there is anyone offering a service or program like this let alone an active hedge fund manager. The bar in trader education has been set and I highly recommend anyone wishing to pursue a career in trading to invest in this program.
— Jehan Jabar,
Physical Commodities Trader, Ex FX-Spot Trader
Are you tired of constantly trying new systems that aren’t profitable? Are you tired of trying indicators that don’t work?
Are you ready for a trading framework that frees you from second-guessing your decisions and allows you instead to consistently extract profits form the market?
Do you wish someone would cut through all the noise and hype from so-called experts and just gave you a clear, proven path for constructing a trading strategy which has a proven consistent track record?
If so, then you are in the right place.
When I Joined the Street in 2001 I Was Just Like You Tapping in the Dark for an Approach to the FX Market
I’d just made my move from being a FX Spot and Option Strategist to trading Futures and FX for a big European Hedge Fund. I had been selling big Pension Funds and Asian Central Banks theoretical strategies to make money on their FX portfolios. But now I had to make real money on my own. I thought all those complex financial models and mathematical theories would help, but all they did were cloud my view.
I dreaded putting on trades, not knowing if they would work out, or if they even made sense. I’d have up months followed by down months, without any regularity. Then one day, in 2008, the desk next to me lost all its money. The Fund was closed down, and I had to find a way to get back into business.
It was a wake-up call that made me discover and formulate an approach to the FX markets based on all that I had seen on the Street. An approach that is consistent, has been traded by some of the best managers in the world, and has provided consistent returns for the last 30 years.
Does my story sound familiar? I’m willing to bet that you’ve had similar experiences.
Well as you probably know 80% to 90% of retail traders lose money. And not surprisingly 90% of mutual funds underperform the S&P 500, and 90% of hedge-funds blow up in the first three years since inception.
Well I am here to show how to avoid being part of the losing crowd.
When I first got started down the path of trading my own money and those of others I was fortunate to have the help of mentors who had been in the business since the 1980s, the true beginnings of financial futures and FX markets.
My mentors have since moved on to other adventures or retired to their dream homes to enjoy their freedom lifestyles.
But going to my roots as a tutor and teacher at Cambridge University, it is a lifelong mission to inspire and guide people to fulfil their potential. My experience of the market from a scientific and objective perspective together with application of the systems I discovered and invented has shown me that trading can be learned, and is not an inborn quality. The Turtle Experiment works! With phenomenal results.
My approach to the FX Markets has allowed me to trade the FX market profitably in Hedge Funds since 2007. Most recently my audited track record in my Hedge Fund, CCFX, has withstood the turmoil of recent years:
And now I want to share with you the approach to the markets that has been able to generate consistent results for more than a decade.
The FX Master Course Leads YOU to a Trading Strategy Starting NOW
- A system that tells you how the FX market is primed
- A system that uses fundamental and quantitative inputs and provides objective, unambiguous readings of the market pulse
- Using factors that have been around for decades and are pegged to the fundamental macro policies of every developed nation to generate consistent returns
- Having stability in your trading approach, so that you can experiment with tactical strategies which before would have left you scared witless
- Having a sound trading strategy, that you know will continue to perform over the years, and provide consistent returns
- A straight-forward system that cuts through all the noise and hype and provides with clear steps and facts that allow you to make consistently profitable trades
This is the kind of trading business that the FX Master Course brings you.
While everyone else is trying to sell you the latest EA or technical trick or tactic, I give you a simple yet comprehensive foundational framework that has proven itself for traders like you for more than a decade.
There’s so much noise out there, you probably feel pulled in every direction.
My Promise to You is This…
- I never skip steps or leave holes in the system
- I never waste your time or overwhelm you with stuff that you don’t need to know
- I never share anything before proving that it will bring you results
- I never give you the flash-in-the-pan tricks and tactics that peter out with time
This course is broken up into six concise steps that I call modules. Let’s take a look now at just some of what you will discover in each of the modules:
Step 1 is … Understand the Business of Trading
“Trading is the act of sequential decision making under uncertainty with the goal of extracting value out of the market.”
Knowing where in the markets to look for profits, and how to steel your mind against adversity and uncertainty are central to being consistently profitable. I provide you with a P&L Landscape that shows in detail why markets are profitable and where to look for positive returns.
This step is all about beating the Efficient Market Hypothesis
Step 2 is … How to Determine Your Performance Measured Against Your Competition and the Markets
Wouldn’t it be great to actually know if your trading is good? Did you know that even Warren Buffett has years in which he loses more than 50% of his wealth? And people still consider him one of the best! Why? In this section I will show you what truly makes a great trader, and how you can start to be a better judge of your true performance in the market!
Step 3 is … Really Understanding the FX Market
Do you know why Janet Yellen has to raise interest rates? Do you know what her target interest rate levels are? What if you were able to anticipate the Fed action months in advance, beating all expert forecasters?
In this module you will learn what the ultimate factors are that drive the FX Markets. From now on, you won’t have to rely on rumours, news gossip, or economists to be able to formulate a view on where currencies should move.
This module will put you ahead of the majority of Wall Street Analysts. And none of this requires economic interpretation. I will provide you with the tools and data sources to come up with an exact and crystal clear understanding of where FX currencies will trend over the medium to long term.
That’s all you need!
Step 4 is … Stable Long term returns from FX Benchmarks
The biggest problem FX Managers face: they don’t have an index. The equity markets have an index like the S&P 500 which has consistently gone up. No matter how you twist it, investing a core position in the S&P 500 has been a winning formula throughout.
What if I were to show you that taking the factors in Module 3 can produce a similar index? This index has relentlessly grown in value over the decades.
Such an index is underpinned by firm economic and behavioural finance principles. It will continue to increase. Trading this index will give you the confidence that no matter the current market conditions you will continue to perform.
Step 5 is … Focusing on tactical trading: your real strength
This index will provide you with smart beta. In this Module you will learn how to implement tactical strategies that boost the steady long term returns you generate with all the tools you have learned up to now.
Step 6 is … The right money management
How can you use these tools to produce exponential rocket-type returns? The key is the right kind of money-management. Everybody in the fund industry uses the term Kelly Betting, but I bet you none of them understand it. In this module you will get the tools to really implement Kelly Betting at its best, and extract the returns that the best funds in the world have obtained: Quantum, Tiger, Renaissance Technologies and others.
Access to My Knowledge and Background
I’m sure that you will have come across a lot of sales hype. I want to make sure that you understand that you have the real deal here, with access to thousands of hours of experience and applied knowledge that has made investors some serious money. So here is my CV:
- B.A and Masters in Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Triple First and Distinction
- Ph.D. University of Cambridge, Theoretical Physics, Stephen Hawking’s Team
- Quantitative Trading Systems, Brevan Howard, the biggest European Hedge Fund
- Head of FX Options Strategy, Barclays Capital, briefing Central Banks and Pension funds on profitable trading strategies. My strategies sold more than $1bn worth of business
- Futures and FX Trader at Peloton Partners, in charge of $100mm portfolio
- Deutsche Bank High Frequency Desk, developing intraday strategies
- CCFX, my Hedge Fund with $50mm in assets at peak. 73% since inception, with a Sharpe Ratio of 2, and award Top 10 Award by BarclayHedge in 2015
- 15 years in the trading industry, working for and with some of the best traders in the industry
Here’s the proof that it will work for you.
Take a quick look at just a few of the success stories to come out of the FX Trading Master Course.
“I decided that what I wanted was a thorough grounding in the underlying fundamentals of what drives currency values. I found that in the FX Mastercourse.”
I had been trading forex for less than a year, relying on news and a plethora of advisory services claiming various levels of success and methods. I decided that what I wanted was a thorough grounding in the underlying fundamentals of what drives currency values. I found that in the FX Mastercourse. In a very personal and supportive way, Mr. Cordila spent nearly 5 of the 8 weeks of the course teaching the macroeconomic principals (principles) that drive currencies, followed by the various methods that one might use to identify value in the differences and movements of the G10 currencies. The final weeks offered expert advice in the use of the MT4 platform and how to customize chosen indicators by groups or individually. This approach has an equity(portfolio value) flavor to it and as such offers much more informed trading, even when trading from an event based approach. I now feel that I have a better appreciation of the factors that move currencies. I intend to re-take the course after a year or so to stay grounded in these all important principles.
— James Licata,
“Dr Codirla’s FX master course has been absolutely eye-opening.”
Dr Codirla’s FX master course has been absolutely eye-opening for a physicist like myself who didn’t use to get involved in the world of financial markets. The course has spanned most aspects that have to do with FX. These ranged from simple breakout strategies (and their actual implementation) that engaged myself from day one, to more complex carry, value and momentum strategies, all backed by sound economic and statistical arguments. If there was a word to describe the course, I would use ‘comprehensive’, as it is both a theoretical and and a very hands-on course, so much so that one is eventually able to nearly become a ‘walking FX hedge fund’ and their own fund manager as well as risk manager, leveraging off Dr Codirla’s experience in the financial markets and his contagious enthusiasm for the field. Plus, some of the sessions have been absolutely mind-blowing. Really good value for money.
— Pablo C.,
Investment Banker, London
“I really feel like I’ve learned a lot and it has definitely changed how I think about the markets and made me more confident going forward.”
I certainly hope you are planning to deliver more content in the not to distant future.
— William K.,
Student, London
Here’s Everything I Give You in the FX Master Course
It’s everything you need to start running your FX Hedge Fund Business like the top pros in the business16 Hour FX MasterCourse Video Programme with Q&A session from Live Seminars
Remember, this is the same path followed by some of today’s most successful and profitable traders and hedge funds
The FX Master Course together is everything you need to create an iron-clad trading method that creates confidence in trading decisions and allows you to focus on those tactical strategies that add to your bottom line.
Some people decide to go it alone and figure it all out by themselves.
But “rugged independence” comes at a huge cost. At a minimum you would spend months and thousands of pounds to piece together a system that may or may not work, and ultimately losing your capital base.
I’m giving you the shortcut. I’m giving you the quickest system so you can skip past the uncertainty, the dead ends and the overwhelming frustration.
I’ve invested over a quarter million pounds of my own money and over 15,000 hours of my time researching, testing and creating the best FX trading framework that you can find.
All you invest to claim your profitable trading business is $597 .
Would you trade this money for the power to run a successful trading system for the rest of your life?
If you work it out, it’s less than $37 / hour, as well as direct access to years of successful market experience. For a fraction of a university degree you gain instant access to a wealth of FX industry knowledge that leads you to your very own highly profitable trading venture.
A picture says as much as 1,000 words. Well here is the performance of the trading approach the FX Master Course teaches. It goes back to 1991, through plenty of currency crises, economic upheavals, and bursting asset bubbles. The performance has been consistent. And in all likelihood it will persist.
Don’t Waste another Minute on a Failed Trading Model
The markets offer so much opportunity for extracting value that it’s sad to see people keep on joining the 80% to 90% of frustrated losers that never seem to get it right.
You deserve to deliver the best service to your clients, to deliver the highest standard of results consistently and backed by sound market practice.
I know that it can be uncomfortable to try something new. But think about the cost of NOT taking action right now.
It’s easy to think that the right time will be “someday later.”
But guess what. Someday later never comes! Now is the time to live.
If you do nothing, then nothing will change. You will wake up a year from now, five years from now or 25 years from now still trapped in the same rut of chasing the newest trading systems, eeking out returns that are unpredictable while other assets skyrocket.
That is the greatest risk of all that you will get to the end of your life and realize that you missed out.
All because you clung to old trading routines and their false sense of security.
A couple months from now you could still be frustrated, wishing you could make money like all the other successful Professional Hedge Fund Managers, wondering how to finally make it happen OR…
You could already have your first series of consistently profitable months.
Get access now to the system that has been traded successfully by discretionary and systematic hedge funds, as well as pension funds and asset managers.
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
You want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 167
- Assessments Yes