From Abuse to Bliss Series by Lynn Waldrop
Abuse to Bliss
Abuse to Bliss is a healing series designed for EVERYONE
Even if you have not experienced abuse in this lifetime, you may be holding on to abuse endured in another lifetime. We store memories in our cells, in our DNA, in the limbic system in our brains, and in our chakras!
What Is Abuse? It’s a pattern of repetitive behavior in which the perpetrator victimizes others and misuses their power to gain and maintain control over others.
What Is Bliss? It’s the experience of complete happiness — living in an ecstatic state and experiencing a life of peace and tranquility — Paradise!
Questions to ask yourself…
- Physical health ailments?
- Diminished mental focus?
- Loss of memory or reduced mental acuity?
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, such as social anxiety, mental confusion, or mood swings?
- Feeling disconnected or irritable?
- Difficulty concentrating?

This Abuse to Bliss Series was created for those who have endured…
> Emotional > Sexual > Abuse
Symptoms of abuse can be revealed in many ways and are different for each individual. If you experience any of the following signs, you may be repressing the damaging emotional consequences of an abusive experience in this lifetime or in a former incarnation.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Have you been called unkind names?
- Have you been yelled or screamed at?
- Have you been told what to do, what to wear, what to say, where to go, etc.?
- Have you been raped, date-raped, or have you experienced attempted rape?
- Have you been harmed when you did not do anything wrong?
- Have you been the target of unwanted sexual advancements or contact?
- Have others threatened you or kept you from living the life you want to live?
- Have loved ones deliberately humiliated you?
- Have you had trouble coping with past violence?
- Have you ever had to make an excuse for bruises on your body?
- Have you ever been judged or ostracized by others because you tried to talk about or deal with incidences of abuse?
- Do you have vague memories of childhood abuse?
- Does your past affect your social life or your relationships today?
Are you tired of your past hurting and haunting you?
Are you ready to step into your power?
It is time to move from Abuse to Bliss and create YOUR AMAZING LIFE!!
Emotional abuse is pervasive in our society, and can be invisible. Victims can even doubt whether they are being abused because it leaves no visible marks. In this call, Lynn will work through emotional abuse in relation to:
- Frozen moments – TFEs
- Self-abuse
- YOU as the abuser vs. the one being abused
- This lifetime or any other
- Family or other involvement

Physical abuse often is “successful” because the victims become ashamed, as if people will think they are weak or somehow did something to deserve it. In Call 2, Lynn will work through the same issues regarding physical abuse.
- Frozen moments – TFEs
- Self-abuse
- YOU as the abuser vs. the one being abused
- This lifetime or any other
- Family or other involvement

Sexual abuse is also often shameful for the victim, and very often authority figures don’t want to believe the truth, so the victim is labeled as crazy or seeking attention. It is all too common, especially for women. This 3rd call may be the most intense of them all!
- Frozen moments – TFEs
- Self-abuse
- YOU as the abuser vs. the one being abused
- This lifetime or any other
- Family or other involvement

Phew, now that we have worked through clearing the various abuse traumas from the body, now let’s power up the self-esteem and confidence. We all can use this, and especially victims of abuse. This will be the feel good call of the series!
- Creating new healthy patterns
- How to stop the self-abuse cycle
- Be your biggest advocate!
- The truth about YOU
- Start living life without fear and judgment, and create the life and relationships you really want!!
20 Remote Remedies
Is your body ready to receive the amazing energy that is group synergy?! All you have to do with remote remedies is receive the life-changing benefits.Remote remedies will be short 5-10 minute mini MP3s that will be using the consciousness of your body and the knowledge of how long to run before turning them off! So they may run for minutes or even hours throughout your day!!
Group work creates synergy because everyone is trying to achieve the same goal and same target areas!
Lynn has heard thousands of bodies calling for a remote remedy with healing energy. Bodies love the live calls for sure AND would love even more support!
The remote remedy is exactly what it says: completely remote. All you have to do is receive the life-changing benefits in the form of mini MP3s that will be sent to you each day by email. They will also be on a download page that will be updated daily.
You will not only be “primed” for the energies in the MP3s, but Lynn will also be able to address more issues listed in your survey simply because she has more time to play with your body!
The bodies have really been calling for this daily work!
“I am 68 and have always struggled with relationships and opening up. I have been working with Lynn in hopes that she could mentally and emotionally help me change all of that. When she asked me about my childhood, a lightbulb went off in my head and from that point forward, everything changed! She helped me clear the verbal and emotional abuse that my siblings and I endured from my father and the fear of being in a relationship like the (awful) one that my parents had. I had no idea that I had been storing those thoughts and feelings inside of me for my entire life! I finally came to peace with my past and have been able to open up more around new people.”
~ Louisa K
The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors
“Lynn works wonders – I am now living life without fear and resentment! I booked a private appointment with her because I needed help with thinning hair. Within the first 5 minutes she pinpointed that my hair loss and thinning was due to stress that I was storing inside of my body, rather than a medical issue. We started discussing the stressors in my life and all of the sudden she said, “your body is telling me to ask you what happened at age 43.” The month after I turned 43, my dad died. I told Lynn that my dad wasn’t a very nice man and never spent time with us. Somehow Lynn connected the neglect from my father and his passing to stress that I had been keeping inside of me. She helped to clear away the stresses and helped me release the resentment that I had toward him and the fear that my husband would do that to our children. I am amazed at her work. I feel like my life is back on track and I am happier than ever!”
– Joann H
The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors
“My partner and I have always fought over intimacy issues. During Lynn’s relationship course, she mentioned that intimacy issues could stem from past physical abuse. I booked a session with her so I could work on getting rid of my past stresses of sexual abuse that I suffered from my uncle when I was 12. I couldn’t hold back the tears while she worked on me, but it was so worth it to release those “TFE’s” as she calls them. I am no longer afraid to be intimate with my partner and have a better sense of self-worth.”
– Candice P
The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors
“Wow – I didn’t even realize I had been harboring these feelings from lifetimes ago. I had no idea that things that happened to me in a past life would cause me pain and discomfort in this lifetime. Thanks deleting those programs for me Lynn.”
– Robert B
The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors
The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or if you have any other medical condition. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 169
- Assessments Yes