Vladimir Ribakov – Forex Libra Code Software
The secret formula of this once dead-broke, ready-to-give-up, wealthy superstar trader will take you from zero to highly profitable (and even wealthy) fast, or it will cost you nothing…
Even if you have never made a single dime trading Forex before today.
I remember what it was like when I first started trading Forex. I actually got into it quite by accident. A friend invited me to a seminar and I just had nothing better to do, so I went.
Looking back now I realize it was just another scam cooked up by some sleazy marketer. But at the time, I was falling for it hook, line and sinker.
I thought I had struck gold. That I was going to be wealthy beyond my dreams in a matter of months.
Soon I was using every freebie system I could find, and spending all my time in online forums with other newbie traders who also had stars in their eyes and dreams of overnight riches.
I took every trade that even remotely looked like a good setup, trying to milk the market for every penny I could. All the while seeking that Holy Grail system that would make me rich overnight.
I really didn’t see how I could lose… Until I did.
I lost everything. Not only my own money, but all the money my parents had worked years for and put away for my college education. We are talking many thousands of dollars, but it may well have been all the money in the world to me at the time.
So I had to drop out of university because I could no longer afford it.
Have you ever felt complete and utter despair?
I couldn’t even face my parents to tell them what I had done. I have never felt lower in my life. I had to find a solution.
I was determined and I suppose a bit desperate.
It was then that I realized if I treated trading like gambling, which is really all I was doing, then the house was going to win every time.
So I spent the next several years learning how to trade properly. Responsibly.
And eventually I was working in a Hedge Fund, successfully managing millions of dollars of other people’s money and making a very good living.
But it wasn’t until I walked out that door and started trading my own account exclusively that I really got rich trading. I will tell you how I did it in a minute.
Today I live a life most can only dream of. Not only was I able to pay my parents back, but have had the privilege of supporting them these past few years and allowing them a very comfortable lifestyle.
I have a beautiful home, several very nice cars, and want for nothing in life. I travel where I want, when I want, and never worry about what things cost. Today I want to help you achieve the same for yourself and your family.
I have made my fortune. Today I want to help you start making yours.
Whether you just want to make an extra few thousand dollars a month in your spare time or make millions of dollars trading, I have discovered a secret that can help you achieve either goal in record time. And I am going to share it with you today, so keep reading…
If you are like most of the traders that I have helped over the years you probably have a full time job and can find little time to trade, let alone learn complicated methods.
Though I am a full-time trader who is able to spend my days pouring over data and looking at charts (which I love doing), I know that most of you just don’t have that kind of time or possibly even the desire.
So the first thing I wanted to do was create something that worked.
Something you could learn, and be up and running, making money, in a matter of hours, not days or weeks…
When I taught this method to a small group of beta testers they were amazed that they were able to learn the rules of the system and make their first profitable trades before lunch. Now I admit they were experienced traders… However, they had never laid eyes on the system before then.
It would probably take someone brand new to trading a weekend to fully understand it and be making money with it.
And they were absolutely blown away by how simple it was to trade and how little time they actually had to spend in front of their charts.
Most people who trade do so either before or after work. Just finding an hour a day to trade can be difficult for most people. Life is busy. With this method you don’t need a lot of time to trade in order to make consistent and substantial profits, as you will soon see by reading the rest of this letter.
In a recent major survey 85.57% of people said they did not feel they had a solid retirement plan in place.
And 63.94% of people surveyed said their number one concern is financial stability for their family in the here and now while still being able to put enough away for a comfortable retirement.
An AARP survey states that 72% believe that they will have to delay retirement.
And even if you are still years away from retirement, money is still one of the biggest stress-producing, keep-you-awake-at-night problems people face.
Most people are in debt, have little savings, and are not earning enough at their jobs to stay afloat… Let alone get ahead.
When you look at the income of the average person and what things cost today, it’s no wonder you are looking for a way to replace the income from your job and to double or triple that number, so you can finally breathe easy.
You’re smart enough to know that you can’t trust the system, whether it be big business or the government, to help you. People who had worked hard, saved diligently, and invested wisely still lost everything in the last recession.
And to think that the current debt bubble isn’t going to burst one day and send the world into the biggest money crisis in history is, in my opinion, being rather naive.
The Fed can’t just keep printing money forever.
The days of traditional and once considered “safe” savings and investing are not going to get you there. For one thing, they are no longer safe.
The stock market is a house of cards waiting for the next storm to send it spiraling downward once again.
And I can’t find a bank that will pay me enough interest to even come close to keeping up with inflation.
The only real solution is finding a way to grow your money exponentially. To see SHORT-TERM gains of 30%, 60%, and even 100%.
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