Dating Essentials Q8iA Podcasts (Late 2012) by Dr. Robert Glover
Robert Glover Dating Essentials for Men
Are you single again after being in a long term relationship?
Do you believe you have to play games in order to get a woman to go on a date with you?
And are you scared to end a dating relationship because you don’t want her to get upset?
Dr. Robert Glover wrote No More Mr Nice Guy and he’s back with a new book called Dating Essentials for Men. Today we talk about how we can approach dating without being a douchebag, set a high standard for the character of the women we want to date, and have the balls to get out of a lousy relationship before it’s too late.
In this interview:
- “The un-pickup approach to dating”
- David D’Angelo and Double Your Dating
- Giving women all the power in dating
- David Deida — “Choose a woman who chooses you.”
- Why most guys are settling in relationships
- Our deep fear of pissing off women
- Learning how to end relationships with compassion
- Challenging your self limiting beliefs
- Where do we find high quality women?
- Choosing better women
- “Moody, bitchy, and entitled lasts forever.”
- How to “test for interest”
- Dealing with “sh*t tests”
About Dr. Robert Glover
Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life and Dating Essentials for Men.
Dr. Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications.
Through his book, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.
As a result of his work, Dr. Glover has helped thousands of Nice Guys transform from being passive, resentful victims to empowered, integrated males. Along with these personal changes have come similar transformations in these men’s professional careers and intimate relationships.
Dr. Glover is the creator of Dating Essentials for Men and the director of TPI University.
Dr. Glover lives in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 169
- Assessments Yes