Dr. Matt McGarrity – Introduction to Public Speaking (Coursera – University of Washington)
Dr. Matt McGarrity – Introduction to Public Speaking (Coursera – University of Washington) [127 MP4s]
Introduction to Public SpeakingA report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows that employers want job candidates with strong communication skills. Similarly, educational success also requires the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. In this class, we will study the principles of public speaking; critically examine our own and others’ speeches through interactive practice.About the CourseThe overriding goal of this course is to demystify the process of writing, practicing, and performing a clear and engaging speech. In so doing, I hope this course can help each student improve the quality of their speeches and confidence with which they present them.More specifically, upon successfully completing this course, you should be able to:design and deliver basic presentations concisely;design and deliver informative presentations clearly;design and deliver complex arguments persuasively;speak confidently with appropriate rate, projection, movement, and vocal variety; evaluate and critique speeches insightfully.Course SyllabusWeek 1: Course overview and key terms Week 2: Preparing impromptu speechesWeek 3: Delivering impromptu speechesWeek 4: Informative speech basics Week 5: Preparing informative speechesWeek 6: Delivering informative speechesWeek 7: Persuasive speech basicsWeek 8: Preparing persuasive speechesWeek 9: Delivering persuasive speechesWeek 10: Course ConclusionRecommended BackgroundIf you wish to complete the three speech assignments, you must have access to video recording equipment (e.g., digital camera, cell phone, flip camera, webcam, or video camera) and the ability to share this digital content via YouTube, Vimeo, or Aparat.Since there is no certificate, the uploading of speeches is entirely optional. Students who choose to not post video will not be denied any access to the course content.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self