Donna Eden – Eden Energy Medicine for Pain
Empower Yourself with Eden Energy Medicine, a highly regarded system that has helped thousands release pain, with Donna Eden and 4 of her Advanced Practitioners
Western Medicine didn’t work for Sarah. Thankfully, Energy Medicine did.
Are you or a loved one in pain right now?
Maybe it’s the kind of pain that brings you to your knees.
Maybe it’s that ever-present chronic pain that you can push away during the day, but it keeps you up at night when the world goes quiet and you’re left alone with your thoughts.
Or maybe it’s the pain that comes and goes and comes back again when you least expect it – forcing you to cancel your weekend plans – AGAIN.
Pain can be in your shoulders. Your back. Your stomach. Your feet. Your throat. Anywhere in the body.
And when it strikes it colors EVERYTHING – the world seems a little dimmer, your fuse gets a little shorter, and everyday becomes a struggle to just find your happy self again.
If you’re like many of us, you’ve been taught to reach for a pill when you’re in pain. But medication only suppresses the symptoms, it doesn’t really make the source of the pain go away.
This means many people get on pain medication and stay on pain medication – even if it’s just a couple of headache pills a day.
But over time, if you continue to ignore pain, try to “tough it out”, or even suppress the symptoms with pain pills, it will start to wear on you – leaving you with a hopeless sense that it’s never going to go away.
The True Source of Healing
Based on 40+ years of helping thousands of people release pain with Eden Energy Medicine, Donna has devised a range of techniques for working with various types of pain. They are all based on the principle that the true source of healing lies in your body’s energies.
A healthy, pain-free physical body is supported by healthy underlying energy systems.
Your foundational energy is continually refreshing and renewing your cells, organs, tissue, muscles, etc. It’s the source of restoration and healing, and it’s important that it flows freely around your body.
Donna, with her ability to see subtle energy, has identified 9 primary energy systems in your body. These systems are constantly at work behind the scenes, striving to keep you healthy and alive.
But because subtle energy is invisible to most, it’s an often overlooked part of the healing process.
For example, let’s imagine for a minute that you cut your finger. You don’t have to direct your body to heal your cut. Your self-healing energy immediately goes into action. It knows what to do to form a scab and eventually weave your skin back together.
Your liver is self-healing, just like your skin. It can regenerate itself and, under the right conditions, often return itself to a healthy state.
You have to ask yourself, “How does it do that? What directs it if I’m not directing it with my mind?”
Your lungs can also heal themselves. (Just 9 months after people have quit smoking, their lungs have significantly healed themselves.)
Your entire body is designed to heal itself, and it’s your energy systems that play a pivotal role in bringing about your restoration and healing.
However, if these systems are disrupted or become blocked, they become unable to efficiently carry out their healing role – leaving you vulnerable to pain.
Temporary vs. Long Term Relief
Getting to the Root of Pain
Many people pop a pill when they want pain relief. But, medication, especially pain medication, can be risky. Some forms are highly addictive. Others can have scary side effects – like liver damage or heart issues. Just read the fine print on your medication labels. What you find will probably shock you.
And although many medications do give you temporary relief, pain medication works by suppressing pain through masking symptoms. It doesn’t address the root cause of the pain.
Pain signals to us that the ability of our energy systems to care for us is being overwhelmed. There is a disturbance in the force, so to speak, and that is preventing the natural healing process from occurring.
The pain may show up in your lower back, but the underlying problem may trace to stuck energy in one of your energy pathways, (e.g. kidney meridian.)
So while you can take a pill to temporarily relieve the pain, if you don’t clear the blocked energy from that pathway, you may go through life with a “bad back.”
Or a headache might have its roots in blocked energy that starts in your feet. If you don’t release the energy in your feet, you may end up with recurring or even chronic headaches.
In fact, chronic pain usually involves excess energy or stagnant energy that cannot be released.
Getting to the root of the pain is important for long-lasting pain relief.
If you don’t get to the root of the pain, it’ll often just pop up again – either in the same spot or another spot in the body. Think of a weed in your garden. If you don’t get at the root, the weed will just resurface year after year.
And that’s what it’s like with your body. If you don’t get to the root of the pain, it will just continue to surface elsewhere – and over time – you’ll find yourself just living with pain versus releasing it.
Eden Energy Medicine can show you how to get your self-healing energy systems back on track.
Most people think pain is an unavoidable part of life (and a BIG part of aging), but what if it doesn’t have to be? What if you could experience life with very little pain or even no pain?
In this class, Eden Energy Medicine for Pain, you’ll learn how to work with your energy systems to identify and clear underlying energetic disturbances that are the source of your pain.
And once you get your underlying energy balanced and flowing again, much of your pain can resolve itself.
The class is designed to give you the energetic tools you need to address everything from chronic pain — like headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps — to acute pain from broken bones, sprains, and even toothaches!
Donna and 4 of her most advanced Eden Energy Method practitioners will show you exactly how to reduce (or even resolve) pain so you can take greater charge of your health and happiness.
You’ll learn to work on any part of the body — the upper body (including the head, face, throat, and teeth), the lower body (legs and feet), and the torso (back, chest, and stomach).
And the best part?
Anyone can learn these techniques. You are not the healer. Your body is. So, once you learn how to use these relatively simple energy-based tools, your body does the rest.
In this class, you will learn:
Program Information
Here’s What You’ll Experience with Eden Energy Medicine for Pain … Learn 43 of the Most Effective Techniques for Releasing Pain from Anywhere In the Body!
Module 1
An Overview of Pain from an Energy Perspective
To begin understanding pain, we’ll begin by introducing you to how energy works in your body and how energy blockages can lead to pain. And we’ll go over general techniques to get your entire system flowing in healthy ways.
We’ll cover:
Module 2
Techniques for Pain in Your Torso and Gut
There’s a lot going on in your torso and gut. Most of your organs sit in that area and sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin to look for the source of pain. In this module, we will learn:
Module 3
Techniques for Pain in The Lower Body
Pain in your lower back, legs, and feet can make it difficult to move and enjoy the things you love to do. In this portion of class, we’ll address common pains as well as show you how to use magnets to speed up the healing. Here’s what we’ll cover:
Module 4
Techniques for Pain in Your Upper Body
Headaches are one of the most common pains people experience nowadays. They can be nagging or chronic, but either way, they can put a cloud over your day.
This section tackles headaches as well as burns, carpal tunnes, and other pains found in your head, throat, and neck. We’ll cover:
The Power to Naturally Release Your Own Pain –What’s That Worth To You??
Headaches, backaches, stomach aches, toothaches, you name it… pain has become a part of our modern world.
It makes sense.
Our bodies slowly evolved, over thousands of years, to adapt to a world that is quite different from our modern world.
Our bodies are designed to move – not sit in front of a screen all day.
To live in-tune with nature – not be trapped indoors due to excessive heat, cold, smoke, viruses, or our social media obsessions.
So much change has happened over the past 20-50 years with the advent of technology and the Internet that our bodies haven’t had a chance to adapt to the pace and new stresses of the 21st century.
This “new” way of living takes its toll on your energy systems.
Many of your systems are in overdrive, trying to help you cope with a sedentary, stressful, or fast-paced modern lifestyle. Your energy systems do their best, but over time, they can become depleted or out of balance.
And when they do, that’s when the pain sets in.
Reaching for pain medication every time you are in pain is not a good long-term strategy.
It’s expensive, especially when you’re dealing with chronic conditions. And, living a life dependent on medication takes a toll on your body. The side effects of medication are risky. It’s hard on your liver, gut, and even your heart.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have tools and techniques to release your own pain?
Few things could be more valuable than learning a natural, non-invasive method to help you understand and work with your own energy so you don’t have to accept pain as a way of life or rely on pain medication.
That’s exactly what Eden Energy Medicine for Pain is designed to do.
It empowers YOU with tools and techniques so you know how to facilitate the body’s natural self-healing process.
It’s powerful and we’ve seen it help thousands of people – often when other methods have failed.
Imagine having a way to facilitate your self-healing abilities in today’s world.
This kind of information is incredibly valuable. It’s life-changing.
And we want to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.
If you register today, we’ll give you a discount on the class.
That means you can join the live, online 2-day class, Eden Energy Medicine for Pain for just $345.
And there’s more…
Start Your Journey to a Pain-Free Life with “Eden Energy Medicine for Pain.”
Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you’ll receive when your register now:
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes