D.Komsi – Hypno Seduction-Pouvoir D’attraction-3 Parties
[English] D.Komsi – Hypno Seduction-Power Of Attraction-3 Parts (1CD – 3 Mp3)
“Hypno-seduction Develop your power of attraction Change the way others perceive you … Complete 3-part audio program to listen to at home If you need to please more, draw people to you and create an atmosphere conducive to truer, more intense, deeper relationships, this program concerns you.
It will be useful in a professional context if you are a salesperson, salesperson, merchant, manager, or that in general you need to give a good impression of you, that you are appreciated and trusted. This program will also be and above all useful in your personal life to attract the right person to you if you do not have it yet met, to give, to those who like you, want to know you more, and especially to strengthen the bonds with your close relations and with the one or the one who shares your life if this is the case. people you would have liked to know more or with whom you would have liked with different relationships ….
Think back to all those situations where you did not know how to show enough presence, charisma and power of attraction to get some people to follow you, to trust you, to want to go a long way with it. you or to seek your presence … Please note: this audio program is not a theoretical course that explains how to speak, how to dress or how to seduce others. Such programs exist, but they are restrictive, difficult to apply, and yield few results. The audio program “” Hypno-seduction “” works on another level, on an unconscious level. It acts directly on the vibration that emanates from you so that others perceive you differently and that you attract them.When 2 people meet, the main thing happens at the vibratory level. It is also your inner vibration that attracts the people and life circumstances that are important to you to you. This audio program will totally release your inner vibration to allow it to fully express itself so that you can appear to others with your true beauty, with the true richness that is within you. Everything you read is a reality that has been verified time and time again in the lives of the people I have followed in one-on-one sessions for years. Each person who has released their inner vibration has seen their life change in amazing ways.
When you release this power, your desires come true, a global intelligence creates circumstances, encounters, “pseudo-chances” “in your life and everything changes in an instant.
This audio program will not add an idea, a concept or a technique in your mind, but change the vibration of your inner being, or to be more precise, harmonize it and allow it to be released so that it acts. Whether you realize it or not, all aspects of your life are dependent on the impact you have on others, how you feel, and what people think and feel about you. This impact on others is your ability to seduce them, to please them. Everything is based on seduction, on what you provoke in people. Whatever your personal situation, the “Hypno-seduction” program will allow you to change the quality of your life through a change in your inner vibration. Some people like it at first glance, they aren’t especially more beautiful, better dressed or richer, there is just something different about them. Your inner vibration also allows you to attract the right people or situations to you. By being aligned with your inner vibration you are functioning in tune with the energy of life and everything becomes much easier … “
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- Skill level All levels
- Language English
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