Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box
“Only 115 people were permitted to attend Dan’s closed door, 2-day Seminar where he revealed ALL of his most prized, most powerful and most profitable copywriting techniques”
This high-powered Seminar was completely Sold-Out and there was a long waiting list of others who desperately wanted to attend but couldn’t. And, unfortunately, Dan has decided he will not conduct a Seminar like this ever again.
However, the Seminar WAS captured on tape and has been made available to Dan’s Inner Circle Members — thousands snapped it up — and now I’ve convinced Dan to let me offer it to all our customers at a substantial discount, but for a limited time, to a limited number of people.
…We took in over $1,895,000.00 (yes, almost two million dollars!!!) on this single promotion!
“The information you gave us at your Copywriting Seminar has DRAMATICALLY INCREASED OUR SALES AND PROFITS! As you know, we’ve been active players in the world of Direct Response Marketing for over 10 years….And we thought we’d heard everything there was to hear.…But we were dead wrong! We left Phoenix on Friday afternoon with dozens of powerful strategies that we couldn’t wait to put into our up-and-coming promotions. And, the first promotion we wrote when we got home was the single most powerful sales letter we ever produced in the history of our company! The results were phenomenal!
We took in over $1,895,000.00 (yes, almost two million dollars!!!) on this single promotion! It all came rushing in like a raging river over a 30-day period between December 5th and the first of the New Year! And we wrote this history-breaking sales letter right after we left your Seminar using your techniques!
I know in my heart that we would have NEVER achieved EVEN HALF of this response had it not been for all the awesome tips, tricks, and strategies we discovered at your Seminar!”
– Eileen and T.J. Rohleder, M.O.R.E. Inc., Goessell, Kansas
Dear Friend,
It has been about five years since Dan presented a Seminar totally devoted to copywriting — to turning words into money — and, quite honestly, it was “elementary school” compared to what he delivered in this one-time-only, no holds barred, EVERY secret revealed, two-day workshop. The CD’s from this Seminar are “atomic”!
WARNING: This is only for people VERY SERIOUS about being world-class, powerful and very time-efficient direct-response copywriters OR who are using ads, sales letters, and other printed tools in their business.
This is definitely not for everybody. You really should NOT get this home study course if you are a small business owner who intends to stay in that role or if you are not already relatively well-grounded in direct-response and have been doing some copywriting for your own businesses or for clients. This was an advanced workshop.
(1) you are serious about turning your own business into a gold-plated, awesome money machine, utilizing ads and mailings that outperform anything you’ve ever done before, that bring in returns of $5-to-1, $10-to-1, even $50-to-1. Or,
(2) you are serious about using direct-response style copywriting for a variety of products and businesses, yours or clients’.
In these 2 days, Dan took us through EVERY element that goes into a winning ad or sales letter — in minute, exacting detail — supported by loads of examples. He revealed EVERY trick, strategy, and method he uses. Dan has never before taught anybody all of this, step-by-step, idea by idea. I doubt seriously if he ever will again.
He also presented his personal methods for being FAST, efficient, and prolific at writing sales copy. As near as I can tell, talking with other top freelance copywriters, Dan out-produces them nearly 10 to 1. Yet his “win/loss” record is better than most, as good as anybody’s.
…the most valuable training I have received in copywriting.
I can’t thank you enough for all the valuable information, insights and techniques you provided at the Copywriting Clinic. It is definitely the most valuable training I have received in copywriting.
David Garfinkel
Why Is Dan Finally Willing To Reveal Every Trick He Knows About Turning Words On Paper Into Floods Of Cash?
Dan has been asked to do this type of Training often. In fact, you’re probably getting this letter because you’ve expressed some interest in getting Dan to teach everything he does in creating super-powerful marketing materials. Until now, this year, he’s been reluctant to do a “magician shows how ALL the tricks are done” Seminar.
Currently, he is routinely paid upwards from $50,000.00 to, on average, $100,000.00 to $200,000.00 plus royalties to craft direct-response ads, sales letters, direct-mail campaigns and integrated offline/online marketing systems for his private clients…. And he literally has a waiting list business, with clients standing in line and patiently (or impatiently) waiting for him to fit them in. Dan has been paid as much as $50,000.00 in royalties from one letter. Nearly 70% of all clients hiring him to write copy once, return and continue.
As a result, he’s rapidly reaching a point of being unable to accept but a very few new clients during the entire year. And Dan is determined to cut back on his workload starting next year. So, he now feels at greater liberty than ever before to lay everything he knows and does on the table.
Dan is preparing for “semi-retirement”, and this is one step in that direction. He would NOT have done this seminar if he wasn’t ready to relax and work a whole lot less, if at all. (In a sense, you are catching him at a “weak moment”. Maybe he’ll look back on this in a few years as a dumb move. We’ll see. In any case, this is your ONLY golden opportunity to crawl inside this master-copywriter’s mind and extract even his most treasured secrets.)
Originally, he intended to invite only 115 people — who each paid at least $947.00 to attend the Seminar. Then he decided to offer the same know-how, teaching, “secrets”, and examples he revealed at the Seminar as a “SEMINAR-IN-A-BOX”, but only to his Inner Circle Members. Now you can attend Dan’s special Seminar at home, at your convenience, and you’ll not only get the value of the Seminar — you’ll also have powerful “tools”, two hefty Manuals including lots of exhibits and’ll keep referring to and using over and over again. This “Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box” is being offered in a limited number, for a limited time.
…Worth at least $20,000.00 to me.
“There is no more important business skill than the ability to write copy that gets people to respond. That’s why I dropped everything and flew across the country to attend Dan’s Advanced Copywriting Seminar. I knew I’d learn new strategies from Dan that would translate into thousands of dollars of added income. I’ll endure a 5-hour coach-class flight, a lumpy hotel bed and lousy food to make that happen!
The seminar was tremendous. I’m usually happy to come away with just one or two good ideas from a session like this. Well, I took 16 pages of detailed notes and there are money-making ideas on just about every line… worth at least $20,000.00 to me.”
Victor Urbach,Optran Corporation,New York
I want to give you some real insight to the immense power and value of the strategies Dan teaches and discusses in this Seminar Package. So let me just cite a few examples of his work for various clients:
1. A series of letters that took a company from�-million to over 1-million a year in sales, AND more than doubled profits.
2. A single ad that has brought in over 5-million dollars.
3. A series of letters that pulled nearly a 50% response rate.
4. A sales letter “package” that pulls a remarkable $4.00 in sales per $1.00 of cost from “cold lists”.
5. A letter mailed to just 2,200 people (est. cost about $2,000.00) that brought in over $18,000.00 in profits in 11 days. (By the time this 3-step sequence is through, this client will put at least $45,000.00 in his pocket against costs under $8,000.00.)
I’ve found tons of great techniques and ideas for increasing response that I’ve never heard anywhere else.
“As a professional copywriter, I create mailings for some of the top publishers in the country. Yet on these tapes, I’ve found tons of great techniques and ideas for increasing response that I’ve never heard anywhere else. Not even from Dan, until now.”
David Deutsch Direct Mail Copywriter Midlothian, Virginia
Here, let me check off some of the most important “secrets” definitely included in this “Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box
(Take a look at this list, which represents only a tiny sampling of every discovery, secret, strategy, and shortcut waiting for you, surely one of these hits your curiosity button with atomic force, doesn’t it? Surely you can see something here certain to boost your income, if you only knew about it and could immediately use it? )
The simplest formula ever devised for attracting giant floods of leads from your advertising — just 3 steps!
15 “components” to mix n’ match, in putting together direct-mail packages that involve the recipient and virtually compel response.
5 formulas that speed up copywriting — no matter how skilled or unskilled you are, how quick or slow, how experienced or inexperienced, you’ll get great ad copy or sales letters done much, much quicker with these formulas (see Josh Bezoni’s comment in the enclosed green folder).
Discover the sales-boosting difference between “credibility” versus “believability”..why and how to use both.
15 quick ‘n dirty ways to create a powerful headline, fast!
9 “E-FACTORS” (emotional triggers).the more you hit, the better your response..use this little checklist every time.
9 ways to use the “P.S.” in a sales letter to increase response, push “think-it-overs” into action.
ONE THING you must do, ONE LIST you must make BEFORE you write even one word of copy..this guarantees better results and speeds up the task!
5 special techniques for selling repeatedly to the same customers!
6 “secret reference tools” used by most master copywriters, easily accessible to you — to speed the process, make getting great copy on paper much, much easier!
4 “mind power techniques” used by top copywriters to focus their thinking, improve concentration, even let the subconscious mind write powerful copy while you sleep!
5 quick-fixes for “writer’s block”, to get started immediately, to get the process rolling, to get words on paper, to break through the dam and get a stream of great ideas flowing.
7 “shortcuts” you can use to keep churning out great ads, letters, brochures, flyers, postcards, Web site copy, etc. for your product or service as if you had a whole idea factory working for you!
7 ways to “test copy” — without spending a dime..unearth its flaws and fix ’em fast!
4 quick ways to gather information and “raw material” from which you can build the most powerful sales message possible.
Yes, we all know that “bonuses” can and do drive sales — but here are the 4 key decisions to make about bonuses and the 4 best ways to get maximum sales and response increases with bonuses!
10 of Dan’s best methods for “presenting price” fact, everything you need to know and consider about “price”.
13 strategies for turning up the heatcreating a white-hot urgency in the reader’s mind so he responds immediately (if not sooner!).
A checklist of “cosmetic gimmicks” to increase the “readability” of ads and letters, to pull the reader in, to keep him involved, to build “buying momentum”.
13 ways to prove your case and erase all doubt, skepticism, fear and hesitation, create instant unshakeable trust, reassure the prospect so he responds without a second’s delay.
Shortcuts, shortcuts and more shortcuts: Dan shows you how to write more powerful, profit-producing copy than most top pro’s can, at twice the speed most pro’s can write!
Just as Dan was preparing for the Seminar, he got a royalty check for $1,330.50 from a client in Norfolk, Virginia. From her test mailing of a sales letter he wrote for her, to 10,500 of her past customers and leads, she sold (just) 68 “units” (less than 1% response) at $395.00 net profit each…..$26,860.00 profit less about $10,000.00 in mailing costs….. $16,860.00 profit or $1.60 profit for every letter mailed. Now she’s mailing a second letter to the 10,432 non-buyers left from that list and rolling the first letter out to another 30,000. When it’s all over and done with, she will have made over $120,000.00 from just ONE sales letter. And Dan knew, just as sure as I knew the earth is round, that she would get these kind of results.
Wouldn’t you like to be able to create promotions like these — and be able to predict profits with absolute certainty*? How many letters could you get in the mail this week if you KNEW you’d get back a net profit of $1.60 for each one mailed? Would you like to pick up an easy $100,000.00 or so of extra money two or three times a year?
*Yes, Dan can show you how to know with 99% certainty that your copy will be profitable.
Dan Kennedy’s copywriting efforts have produced tens of millions of dollars for his clients — me included. In some cases, launched businesses. Literally made fortunes. And I doubt very seriously if there is a currently working, active, sought-after copywriter anywhere in the country who can match Dan’s track record of diversity and success, who will teach all of his methods (at any price). This really is a one-of-a-kind, possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar was a career-enhancing experience for me
Though I’ve been a student of copywriting and a copywriter myself for several years, Dan brought the whole thing together in an extraordinarily easy to understand and easy to implement way. Dan gave me more than I expected to get – it was absolutely a remarkable conference! I constantly see financial returns from applying what I learned at the Copywriting Seminar in my own business. Every time I send out a direct-mail piece, I get more significant return on investment, more profit, and I have greater confidence in every bit of copywriting I ever do, thanks to what I learned from Dan at the conference.
This has already meant thousands of EXTRA dollars in my pocket in the short time since the conference, and no doubt will mean tens of thousands of EXTRA dollars in my pocket this year, and hundreds of thousands of dollars EXTRA in the years ahead!
Though I attended the conference live, I was anxious to purchase the video and audio tapes from it as well.
I have re-watched and re-listened to the DVD’s on multiple occasions already, and will continue to use them over and over again. I love these tapes! I learn so much every time I review them — it’s almost like I wasn’t at the seminar live because I’m able to learn so much new “money creating stuff” every time I watch and listen. The tapes are so easy and fun to review because they are so entertaining while being highly instructional at the same time. Dan has a great sense of humor, and incredible experience and insight that make him awesome to learn from. As far as I’m concerned, Dan is the man!”
– Tim Paulson Gilbert, Arizona
The ability to create compelling sales letters CAN make or break a business. I’m not going to embarrass this person by naming him, but his letter — sent to Dan — is on file at my office and I’m quoting from it here, word for word:
“Eighteen months ago, we could not pay our bills. We went to our creditors and said we would gladly pay them in 3 months if they would wait. Some said yes, others started collection procedures. At the end of the 3 months, we had paid very little on their accounts and asked for another 3 months. Eventually they all got paid. And at the year end, we decided to pay out $60,000.00 in year-end employee bonuses – the first bonuses in 6 years! I relate the above to you because I attribute a part of our success to your teachings and consulting.”
Now I want to tell you that their turnaround is almost entirely thanks to their learning how to write one strong sales letter after another, and using direct mail to build their business. Theirs is a remarkable turnaround and testament to the power of putting the right words on paper. To their credit, they were determined, diligent “students” (and ready-fire-aim, learning-on-the-run entrepreneurs); they studied Dan’s materials, attended his Seminars, used his critique coupons, and modeled his successful campaigns. And they have gotten very, very good at this craft.
These are the kinds of results — and more: bigger, better — that you can expect by getting the Seminar-In-A-Box, and using these strategies revealed in it.
I Will Back Up This Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box With TWO Very Generous Guarantees To Protect You Against Any Possibility Of Wasting Your Money Or Your Time
First guarantee: I’ll give you a 60-DAY FREE PEEK. You can listen, learn, and use this Seminar-In-A-Box for up to TWO FULL MONTHS without obligation. Anytime within those two months that you choose to return the package, you’ll get a FULL refund. If you will write me a letter explaining why you are unhappy, I’ll even pay you an extra $25.00 for your trouble!
Immerse Yourself In These Seminar CD’s And…..
You will be MUCH more skilled and better equipped to turn out copy that will achieve the absolute maximum possible results in any situation. Being able to turn words put on paper into floods of precisely the prospects or clients you want, or into cash business literally at will, is THE skill that can quite literally change you and your life.
Which brings me to my second guarantee: anytime within SIX MONTHS, if you can send proof you used one or more of the strategies and secrets presented in this Seminar package and can honestly say you didn’t profit by many times the price of the entire package, I’ll still refund every penny you paid PLUS $50.00 for your trouble! (I dare any direct marketing pro offering seminars to match this guarantee.)
So the Copywriting Seminar-In-The-Box comes to you with ZERO risk. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My response rates are at an all-time high.
“Previously, it took me weeks sometimes even months to write a direct response sales letter. I dreaded the process. But after investing in Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar and using the techniques he taught, I’m creating sales letters in a tenth of the time (sometimes just a few hours!) and my response rates are at an all-time high. Thanks Dan!”
Josh Bezoni, Golden, Colorado
Now Here’s What Dan Has To Say About This:
“Stop sweatin’ to sell! – flick on the chain saw! I don’t know if you’ve ever done hard manual labor in your life or not. I have and I didn’t like it. Whenever I see one of those old Tarzan or “lost treasure” movies on TV, with the natives and guides tediously hacking their way through dense jungle with machetes, sweating up a storm, I think to myself: imagine what those guys would have given for a chain saw. Well, most entrepreneurs and salespeople work just as hard as those guys do, to get customers, to make sales. Why? Because they don’t have a chain saw.
The chain saw of business is the ability to put words on paper that bring you tons of cash, fast. After 20+ years in business, with 20-20 hindsight and clear present vision, it’s obvious to me that, by far, THE most valuable skill is the ability to “sell via print”. Forget inefficient manual labor. I absolutely guarantee I can equip you with the ability to use ads, sales letters, postcards, FAX broadcasts, etc., etc. to efficiently make more money than you ever thought possible, in whatever business you’re in. Being able to turn words put on paper into floods of precisely the prospects or clients you want or into cash business is THE skill that will quite literally change your life, just as it did mine and many others I taught. One more thing: bluntly, there ARE some folks who prefer suffering, wandering around lost in the jungle, getting through it the hard way with a dull machete, so they have a masochist story to tell. I hope that does NOT describe you.”
Well, there you have it — Kennedy, to the point as usual.
Here’s what you get with your ADVANCED COPYWRITING SEMINAR-IN-A-BOX:
First, you get the complete Seminar Audio CD Learning Library consisting of 10 audio CD’s of the entire 2-day Seminar. You’ll even get the evening ‘Ultimate Panel Discussion’ included on these CD’s.
By being able to listen to these CD’s over and over again, as you drive to and from your office, fly on an airplane, run on your treadmill, or soak in your hot tub, you can “imprint” your powerful subconscious mind with all of Dan’s techniques, including many known only to a very small, elite group of direct-response “master practitioners”. Soon you’ll find that you’ve “programmed” your “computer” (the one between your ears) with the same know-how that Dan has. Kind of like mind cloning.
Second, you get Two GIANT Manuals:
(1) The actual Presentation Notes & Exhibits Manual and
(2) The “Lab” (examples) Manual that we used during the Seminar. These manuals include every example Dan showed up on the screen. You won’t miss a thing. And these will be very valuable reference tools you’ll return to over and over again. By the way, these Manuals include both Notes and Examples that have not been published before and will not be published in any other place.
And third, you’ll receive a “Blue Ribbon Package” of checklists, tip sheets, copy idea-starters, and assorted weapons I’ve assembled just for this Seminar.
I’d be missing out on tens of thousands of dollars if Ihadn’t attended this seminar.
“After studying copywriting for years and years, I was sure I had seen and heard it all. I was wrong! The Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar introduced me to at least a half dozen new insights and techniques that will almost certainly double my profits in my business this year.
I’d be missing out on tens of thousands of dollars if I hadn’t attended this seminar. Thanks a million!”
Peter Louis Kacynski, Springfield, MA
“(At Least) 21 Compelling Reasons Why This ‘Secret Weapon’ Will Wind Up Putting More Money In Your Bank Account Than Any Other Business Tool You’ve Every Acquired, Period.”
(Take a look at this list, which represents only a tiny sampling of every discovery, secret, strategy, and shortcut waiting for you……surely one of these hits your curiosity button with atomic force, doesn’t it? Surely you can see something here certain to boost your income, if you only knew about it and could immediately use it? )
The simplest formula ever devised for attracting giant floods of leads from your advertising — just 3 steps!
15 “components” to mix n’ match, in putting together direct-mail packages that involve the recipient and virtually compel response.
5 formulas that speed up copywriting — no matter how skilled or unskilled you are, how quick or slow, how experienced or inexperienced, you’ll get great ad copy or sales letters done much, much quicker with these formulas (see Josh Bezoni’s comment in the enclosed green folder).
Discover the sales-boosting difference between “credibility” versus “believability”…..why and how to use both.
5. 15 quick ‘n dirty ways to create a powerful headline, fast!
9 “E-FACTORS” (emotional triggers) ….the more you hit, the better your response…..use this little checklist every time.
9 ways to use the “P.S.” in a sales letter to increase response, push “think-it-overs” into action.
8. ONE THING you must do, ONE LIST you must make BEFORE you write even one word of copy…..this guarantees better results and speeds up the task!
5 special techniques for selling repeatedly to the same customers!
6 “secret reference tools” used by most master copywriters, easily accessible to you — to speed the process, make getting great copy on paper much, much easier!
4 “mind power techniques” used by top copywriters to focus their thinking, improve concentration, even let the subconscious mind write powerful copy while you sleep!
5 quick-fixes for “writer’s block”, to get started immediately, to get the process rolling, to get words on paper, to break through the dam and get a stream of great ideas flowing.
7 “shortcuts” you can use to keep churning out great ads, letters, brochures, flyers, postcards, Web site copy, etc. for your product or service as if you had a whole idea factory working for you!
7 ways to “test copy” — without spending a dime…..unearth its flaws and fix ’em fast!
4 quick ways to gather information and “raw material” from which you can build the most powerful sales message possible.
Yes, we all know that “bonuses” can and do drive sales — but here are the 4 key decisions to make about bonuses and the 4 best ways to get maximum sales and response increases with bonuses!
10 of Dan’s best methods for “presenting price”… in fact, everything you need to know and consider about “price”.
13 strategies for turning up the heat… reating a white-hot urgency in the reader’s mind so he responds immediately (if not sooner!).
A checklist of “cosmetic gimmicks” to increase the “readability” of ads and letters, to pull the reader in, to keep him involved, to build “buying momentum”.
13 ways to prove your case and erase all doubt, skepticism, fear and hesitation, create instant unshakeable trust, reassure the prospect so he responds without a second’s delay.
- Shortcuts, shortcuts and more shortcuts: Dan shows you how to write more powerful, profit-producing copy than most top pro’s can, at twice the speed most pro’s can write!
Incredibly, This Seminar Comes To You For Considerably Less Than You Would Have Paid To Attend It
I’ve got a genuine bargain for you. As I mentioned earlier, the people who were fortunate enough to get into this Seminar paid no less than $947.00 per person to attend. Plus they paid travel, hotel, and meal expenses which were probably another $1,000.00 or more. All total — $2,000.00 or more, not including time away from work, etc. And the Seminar was well worth every penny of $2,000.00. (Read some of the comments from the attendees.)
The information in there can be the difference between surviving and prospering, between seeking out a living or making a fortune
“My name is John Alanis. A few years ago, my art business was in so much trouble I was forced to move from my tiny apartment into the front office space of my warehouse. I had no clue about how to sell my art until I discovered Dan Kennedy. Using his strategies, I got one of my art pieces into a large mail order catalog, selling 4,447 of them in only 18 months, resulting in $171,209.50 in income. Andsince implementing Dan’s methods, my mailings to my customer list have returned a minimum of 2.89 times cost all the way up to a 9.07 times cost. I have attended many of Dan’s seminars, and invested in his information products, each returning hundreds of times more than I paid for it. To be truthful, I didn’t think Dan’s information could get any better. I mean, how can you improve on top notch? Then I attended Dan’s Copywriting Seminar.
To say I was blown away is an understatement. I got hot idea after hot idea – any one of which will add hundreds of thousands of dollars to my bottom linewith no extra cost or investment. For example, one idea I got was to add “impulse items” to my order form. Guess what? I tried it on a Valentine’s Day mailing and27% of people circled the impulse items, adding an average of $11.79 per person responded to my sales. This was money I would have missed out on had I not attended Dan’s seminaryet I can use this idea for the rest of my career. I’ve listened to the tape set three times, and each time I get incredible new ideas. In fact, I had to pull off the road just a few days ago and write down an idea that popped into my mind while listening to the tapes again – give a free sample of my work away to gift shop owners to get them to order more stuff. How much money will this make me? Thousands? Hundreds of Thousands? Millions? I don’t know for sure, but I do know if I hadn’t gotten Dan’s Copywritng Seminar, I would have never gotten this idea. If you buy one information product this year, then it should be Dan Kennedy’s Copywriting Seminar. If you are in business or thinking about going into business, then I’ll be quite frank with you: you can’t live without this information. The information in there can be the difference between surviving and prospering, between seeking out a living or making a fortune. If I hadn’t discovered Dan Kennedy, I have little doubt I’d be slaving away at some job I hated, my business little more than a memory. The best advice I can give? Get Dan’s stuff immediately: and start with his Copywriting Seminar.”
John Alanis, World Famous Artist Art Of Steel, Inc., Texas
So Let’s Cut The Cost By About Two-Thirds, And Bring This Thing Right To You!
Your investment for the the Advanced Copywriting Seminar-In-A-Box is just $697 (plus $19.50 shipping), about one-third of what it would’ve cost to attend in person. Frankly, this is a giant bargain; after all, it’s ridiculously easy to “blow” several hundred bucks on a very small, unsuccessful ad or mailing.
If you are SERIOUS about arming yourself with Dan’s secrets and skills, then you’ll have to agree: the investment for this Seminar Package is a tiny price indeed. The bottom line is very simple here: do you SERIOUSLY want to become a modern day alchemist, able to turn paper and ink into floods of cash, over and over again, pretty much at will?… to do it quickly, efficiently?……finding money in your mailbox every day of your life? If so, you’ll do just about anything NOT to miss this one-time (and I do mean it: one time) opportunity.
Respond Within the Next 72 Hours And You’ll Also Receive These Important Bonus Gifts — FREE!
Bonus Gift #1: A FREE copy of my book titled, “The Ultimate Collection Of Winning Ads & Sales Letters”. This giant 264-page, 8″ by 11″ book is filled from cover to cover with proven, successful direct-response ads and sales letters that have generated MILLIONS of dollars in income. (One letter generated over 7 million cash with order customers!) Anybody and everybody who needs ideas for headlines, guarantees, offers, sales letters, or ads can profit by having this book as a handy helper and reference tool. Many people consider this book to be the ultimate “swipe file”. I’ll even give you a “License” which gives you the Rights to reprint and sell the book. The suggested retail selling price for the book is $79.00, and thousands have been sold at that price. You can, however, sell the book for any price you wish, or use it as a premium. Plus you get a 4-page direct mail sales letter you can use that sells the book for you! You can easily recover your investment for the Seminar-In-A-Box by selling this book! This book and the Reprint Rights to sell this book along with the 4-page sale letter are yours free if you respond by the date stamped in red on the enclosed Acceptance Form. (a $597.00 value!)
Bonus Gift #2: A manual titled, “Secrets of Writing Headlines That Could Make You Rich”. Section One of this manual covers: how to target your market with your headlines..the 5 essential rules for writing effective to find the best headline for your product or service..the 9 different headline types and when to use them..and much, much more. In Section Two, you’ll see the “361 Best Headlines Ever Written” — use them as models when writing your own. (a $69.00 value!)
Bonus Gift #3 (while supplies last): A CLASSIC book by the legendary Claude Hopkins titled, “Scientific Advertising” — this is THE handbook for all top copywriters. David Ogilvy, the famous advertising genius once said, “No one should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until they have read this book (Scientific Advertising) seven times.” This book is out of print and hard to find. But I recently found a publisher who had 93 bound copies of this rare book, and I bought them all on the spot! You’ll get one of these famous books for free, if you’re one of the first 93 to order the Seminar Business-In-A-Box! (invaluable bonus!)
Bonus Gift #4 (included with “Deluxe” Seminar Box only): Dan’s “Copywriting Clinic” Kit. On these six tapes, Dan covers 97 very specific “tricks” that will boost the response of just about any ad, letter, postcard, flyer, Web site, anything that appears in print. And because Dan already covered these techniques in the Copywriting Clinic, he did NOT reveal them in the Seminar-In-A-Box, and I wanted you to have both. These are 97 tricks you can use to make all your advertising work even better. This kit also includes an Outline Notes Manual. (a $129.00 value!)
(The Bonus Gifts alone are worth over $1,795.00!)
I urge you to act on this opportunity today, right now, while it is fresh in your mind.
Dan S. Kennedy
P.S. Dan also had this to say:
“From an old movie, Jack Webb was speaking to a recruit who has just apologized for an error: ‘A dead Marine is never sorry. A dead Marine is just dead.’ After a client has spent a bundle printing and mailing a sales letter, saying ‘sorry’ when it fails does NOT offer much consolation. That’s why I try not to put myself in that situation! Does that mean I — and my techniques — succeed every time? Well, of course not. But I very, very, very rarely blow it. And I can show you the “x-factors” that allow you to just about guarantee success, so you never deal with failure; instead, you only always deal with degrees of success. How would you like to know in advance that you will succeed whenever you place an ad or put a letter in the mail? How dangerous will you be then?”
P.P.S. In the evening of Day One, Dan lead THE ULTIMATE PANEL DISCUSSION –2 full hours with very, very, very successful copywriters on a panel, sharing their most successful techniques and responding to questions. TWO HOURS of money-making ideas from people really doin’ it everyday, in the trenches — NOT theorists, NOT those who used to do it, NOT professional consultants — people who put their own money on the line day in and day out, running ads and sending out mail, making money from copy.You’ll get these powerful recordings if you order now.
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 127
- Assessments Yes