Can You Make A Living Day Trading by Rockwell Trading
Product Description
Rockwell Trading – Can You Make A Living Day Trading – 2 DVD
Do You Really Want To Make A Living Trading?
Forget All The Get-Rich-Quick Gimmicks!
Follow This Proven Step-by-Step System And Learn How To Create A Strategic Plan For Your Trading Business
Hi, I am Markus Heitkoetter an I am about to show you a step-by-step approach to create a strategic plan that shows you how to start trading and gives you the tools and resources you need to run your trading business.
No hype, no fluff, no B.S. – This is real…Let me explain.
If you are serious about trading, you probably asked yourself the question “Can I Make A Living With Trading?” – After all, isn’t THIS why you started trading in the first place?
And even if not – even if you just started trading to make some extra money – wouldn’t it be nice to make a living with trading? It’s the ultimate goal for most traders, yet very few traders achieve this goal.
Why Do Most Traders Fail And LOSE Money?
The answer is simple. Most traders focus on the wrong things:
•They focus on a trading strategy, because they think if they only had a profitable trading strategy, they would make money. That’s not true, and I have proven this to you in my book and other video courses.
•And oddly enough, traders always seem to be concerned about theirentries. Again, wrong focus! A monkey can enter the market. Money is made and lost when you EXIT the market. Actually, Van Tharp has proven this in his books: In an experiment he entered trades based on a coin toss, and through proper trade-, risk- and money management he was able to grow his simluated account.
•Last, but not least: automation. Somehow traders have the desire to completely automate their trading. They think that they can program a trading strategy and let the computer do all the work, and all they have to do is to log into their trading account once a day and see how it grows. Yeah, right!
But the biggest problem is: Most traders do NOT have a business plan!
If you want to make a living with trading, then you have to treat trading like a business, and you need to have a strategic plan with specific action items on how to achieve this goal.
In this 5-part video course you will learn how to create YOUR trading business plan, and this plan will set you apart from the majority of traders. I am sure that this will help you to jump into the top 10% of traders who actually make money with trading.
Let me explain in more detail:
Trading Is A Business!
Like in every area of life, planning is extremely important. And I promise you, if you take the information that you are learning in this course and take two or three hours to plan your trading business you will be way ahead of other traders. Remember this: If you don’t know where you’re going you don’t know how to get there and when you’re there.
And believe me: any plan is better than no plan. You don’t have to come up with the perfect business plan for your trading business. But if you follow the simple steps that you learn in this course, you will have a solid foundation for your trading business that sets you apart from the hobby traders!
Planning for success makes the difference between professional traders and hobby traders!
Your Trading Business Plan
If you are serious about trading, then you must treat trading like a business, and like in every business you need a business plan!
Unfortunately most traders skip this step and jump right into trading. No wonder that the percentage of traders who fail is so high!
I asked many traders why they don’t have a trading business plan, and most of them said:
“I don’t know how to create a plan!”
Shocking! That’s why I developed this video course. Here’s what I included:
• Module 1 – Planning Your Trading Business (35 min)
In this module you will learn WHY you need a business plan, how it can help you achieve your goals, and what the most important elements of this plan are.
• Module 2 – Your Trading Business – Overview and Feasibility Study (31 min)
In this module we will actually create a business plan for your trading business. Take a pen and paper and follow the exercises and examples in this module, and you will have a Trading Business Plan in less than 90 min.
• Module 3 – Developing A Trading Strategy (55 min)
Having a solid trading strategy that is right for you is a key component of your Trading Plan. In this module you will learn how to create your own trading strategy in seven easy steps.
• Module 4 – Money Management (15 min)
Money Management is the #1 area where traders fail. In this module we will talk about proper money management techniques and show you how to apply them in your trading.
• Module 5 – Monitor Your Success & Making Sure You Are On Track (39 min)
In this module you will learn about the six tools that you need to monitor your success and making sure you are on track. You will learn where to get these FREE tools and how to use them properly to ensure your plan becomes a reality.
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
You want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 130
- Assessments Yes
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