Bessel A. van der Kolk’s 30th Annual Trauma Conference by Bessel Van der Kolk
Three decades of exploration in trauma: welcome&introduction (Bessel A.Van der Kolk, MD)
Look at trauma in terms of neuroscience and military experience
Political implications of the role of childhood trauma history
The prevalence and impact of violence and poverty
Limitations of the study and current diagnostic framework for trauma
Omission of social context and importance of interpersonal relationships
Me too:at the intersection of sexual violence and racial justice-Tarana Burke)
The developmental history of the 21st Century program for survivors of poverty and abuse
Transition to the Me Too movement
Cultural impact on trauma processing and identification of trauma survivors
Structuring interventions with vulnerable student populations
I also keep a focus on the evolution of the platform–survivor, training organizers
The central importance of promoting cultural shift
Psychiatry under the influence:prescriptions for institutional corruption, social injustice and Reform(Robert Whitaker)
International study on therapeutic response and time-dependent changes
Adjust the narrative of psychiatry to reflect current research and effective treatment models
Influence of DSM-III disease model and chemical imbalance theory
Dramatic expansion of drug interventions
Iatrogenic response to psychiatric medication–Star * D research trial
Tolerance of retardation, discomfort, and the opposite-increased vulnerability to relapse
Trust and meaning in parent-child interactions(Edward Tronick, PhD)
Man as the maker of meaning
The development of preschoolers in an unstable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world
Developmental stage in the semantic creation process–the psychobiological system involved
Infant self-regulation process and arousal response
Persistent and generalized cardiac reactivity
The influence of the mother on the development of the stress response
Developmental effects of early chronic adverse effects
Hemispheric adaptation in the amygdala
The persistent neurobiological effects of abuse and neglect(Martin Teicher MD, PhD)
Risk factors associated with childhood abuse and neglect
A cascade of physiological and neurohumoral reactions that interfere with the development of the brain
Sensitive exposure period
Early adverse experience neurological manifestations
Disrupted hemispheric integration-expression of borderline and dissociative manifestations
Increased response to threats and functional adaptation to malicious environments
Fear circuit areas and pathways-the amygdala and the hippocampus
Gender and developmental differences in response to abuse and neglect
Reactive adhesion failure
Structural connectivity network-emotional conditioning and self-centered image
Architectural differences of traumatized individuals who do not develop pathology
Evolution of developmental trauma disorders(Julian Ford, PhD, ABPP)
Origin of developmental trauma disorders-differences from other trauma diagnoses
A central issue in production and representation
DSM-5PTSD criteria changed from DSM-IV
Adaptation to threat environments
Case example-therapeutic involvement with DTD puberty
The impact of developmental trauma on infants and children–confusion in relationships
Core elements of DTD diagnosis-careful, physiological and relational self-regulation
Difference DTD and PTSD symptoms in the presentation of the field test results
Future direction of research
Case example-family intervention
Panel discussion (BESSEL A.van der Kolk,MD;Edward Tronick,PhD;Martin Teicher MD,PhD;Julian Ford,PhD,ABPP)
Creation of a new story-functional adaptation to the tribe
Adapt treatment approaches to various settings and individuals
Understanding the cultural and socioeconomic impacts of trauma experiences
Development of resources and research infrastructure for Pediatric Trauma Treatment
Social unwillingness to acknowledge the effects of developmental trauma
Healing engagement (Cathy Malchiodi, PhD)
The integration of expressive art into expressive art therapy
“Silo” of expressive art”
Current expression arts program in health and community settings
A series of expressive art therapy
In contrast to pathology-driven interventions, an asset-driven approach
Limitations of the evidence base underlying expressive art therapy for Trauma Treatment
Future direction of research
Effective implementation of community-based interventions
You can find more information here.
Effective implementation examples
Stephan Wolfert, MFA)
A history of race and colonization associated with social trauma
The origin of the DE-CRUIT program
The impact of Shakespeare’s themes on personal trauma and manifestation
Projective measures for the manifestation and identification of traumatic symptoms
Similarities between Shakespeare’s content and PTSD symptoms
Applying certain passages to dreams and experiences
Pacing, rhythm, grounding
Study on the effectiveness of the DE-CRUIT program
Addressing the trauma at the heart of the community:implementing a comprehensive yoga program in a large public school system(Ali Smith,Atman Smith,Andres Gonzalez)
Demonstration of silent reflection technology
The history and development of the Holistic Life Foundation
Top–down approach-establishing mindfulness in adult care first
Centrality of presence and consistency
Setting boundaries and self-care to create sustainable programs
Mindfulness Moment program-turning detention into meditation
Reduced suspension outcome measures
Developing relationships with gatekeepers
Mutual education process
Mindfulness program
Leveraging the impact of limited resources
Demonstration of stress breathing exercises
Effectively manage poorly engaged or motivated students
Using the language of trauma
A cultural path to promote engagement
Adaptation of programs to diverse and changing environments
The study of trauma is perhaps the single most important tool in helping us to better understand the relationships between emotional, cognitive, social and biological forces that shape human development.
Beginning with adult posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and expanding into early attachment and overwhelming attachment and social experience in early childhood (“developmental trauma”), these symptoms can be very different.
To address the problem of traumatized people who continue to react to current experiences as replays of the past in countless ways, we have learned that most experiences are automatically processed at the subcortical level of the brain; that is, by the”unconscious”interpretation that occurs outside the conscious awareness. Insight and good will have a limited impact on the operation of these subcortical processes, but they have a synchronization, movement and repair experience.
The conference will focus on basic research on the impact of trauma on the life cycle and on effective interventions that are being implemented in clinics, schools, prisons, families and communities around the world.
Wow this record:
Three decades of trauma exploration:welcome&introduction-Bessel A.Van der Kolk,MD
Me too:at the intersection of sexual violence and racial justice—a fireside chat with Tarana Burke-Tarana Burke
Psychiatry under the influence:prescriptions for institutional corruption, social injustice and Reform-Robert Whitaker
Making trust and meaning in parent-child interactions-Edward Tronick,Ph.D.
Persistent neurobiological effects of abuse and neglect-Martin Teicher, MD, Ph.D.
Evolution of developmental trauma disorder–Julian Ford, Ph.D,ABPP
Panel discussion-Bessel A.van der Kolk,MD,Edward Tronick,Ph.D.,Martin Teicher,MD,Ph.D.,Julian Ford,Ph.D.
Expressive as a healing engagement–Cathy Malchiodi, Ph.D.
DE-CRUIT:Shakespeare&Trauma Treatment of military veterans through science–Stephen Wolfert, MFA
Addressing the trauma at the heart of the community:implementing a comprehensive yoga program in a large public school system-Ali Smith,Atman Smith,Andres Gonzalez
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 164
- Assessments Yes
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