Andrey Patrushev – Explorer
(Russian) Andrey Patrushev – Explorer [ 1 CD – 1 FLAC ,1 CUE, 1 LOG, 1 TXT ]
Why do we ask for help themselves in the least? Perhaps, because in fact, somewhere in the depths of our souls, we do not want any changes …Professional psychologist will guide you to your inner world, using archetypal images. Images play a very important role in our lives. Often very complex idea can be easily explained by creating a beautiful image. Archetypical images reflect the structure of the human psyche. This structure in the disk you fill their particular very personal meaning.At first very carefully read (and reread) the instruction, clearly find out for yourself all the strange words and moments.
Remember that our subconscious is always carefully protects us from the slightest trouble and danger and this will always choose the best, the best of him in the order, ways. And even the most ridiculous at first glance, and disruptive behavior, including the most terrible disease, have a “secondary (more important for the subconscious mind, in comparison with the damage done) benefit” and are controlled by the subconscious mind.
Therefore, when in doubt about the presence of the slightest threat to the “secondary gain” (without an adequate replacement) subconscious floats all arsenal and successfully torpedoing all our good intentions, causing consciousness to invent a thousand reasons – why we abandoned the planned.
This program can not make you do something (and thus likely to deprive you of the only thing you have available at the moment). In contrast, the algorithm is incorporated as constantly and systematically more effective teaching more effective and successful ways to do something and find a worthy choice.
Believe me, that, having been self-sufficient and a decent selection, the subconscious mind always finds the best way to respond, depending on the situation, and given the balanced needs of any particle of the soul, every part of the person and any cell of the body!
Preparation. Before starting meditation classes, define your goals, it’s better in writing. You can make a long list, but each class put themselves one – two. Initially, a small place very specific (with the result) and achievable (at this stage of your development) goals.
Having succeeded in one narrow area, you will notice how your skill extends to other areas of activity. For example, the first three classes, it is best if to “Learn to quickly reach a necessary condition for meditation – focus and relax.”Organize yourself as comfortable and calm conditions. Turn off the radio and the TV, unplug the phone (or as turn down the ringer volume). Ask your loved ones do not distract you during the lesson. Do not place the alarm clock – you wake up automatically to a desired time.
Starting position – lying on his back. Hands – your sides (palms down, fingers bent at – brush shalashikom) or folded across his chest, his hands under the armpits (“pull yourself together”). The surface on which you are lying should not be too soft, as on a soft surface is difficult to relax the muscles, and not too hard, because hard surface is a great burden on the muscle and bone tissue (the best – mattress on the floor.) Clothing should be loose (especially in the waist).
Weakly pressing compress on the forehead (preferably pure wool), by contrast, improves readability. The greatest effect was observed, if you engage in a period of 18 to 20 hours (preferably strictly at one and the same time and at least three hours from the time you usually go to bed.) But if you have limited time, you can put the drive just before bedtime. In this case, be sure to perform a phase of relaxation – the quality of sleep is much improved. If you choose to do while sitting, make sure that your feet are fully supported by the floor, and his hands were lying loosely in her lap. These guidelines make it easier to achieve the necessary conditions and a more complete and rapid effect. If you are very sick, or for any reason you find it hard or do not want some of them to perform, you can do so, as most convenient for you.Technique. The greatest effect of the occupation with the disc appears when using headphones. Set the minimum acceptable for you volume.
Take a starting position (try – always one and the same). It is highly recommended for all classes to pay attention to the fact that your tongue was the most relaxed. Her eyes were closed and sent to the eyebrows.
At the beginning of the program, staying with my eyes closed, straining every muscle and dramatically relax, then take a deep slow breath diaphragm – that inflated stomach (through the nose to the count of 3), not-big pause (on the count of 3), and slowly exhale (through closed, but not closed lips to the account 6), take a break (at the expense of 4) 3-5 times, repeat the cycle that your body tuned to the correct rhythm, and, further, enable the body to maintain this rhythm automatically (without conscious effort )
Listening carefully and follow the instructions at the beginning of class, relax. Very useful if you start to introduce some image for the stress-relaxation process, such as a clenched fist slowly rebounding (give your living space to imagination, and it tells the most expressive image, perhaps symbolic).
Then, depending on your condition, you can use one of two ways (or in combination): 1. Passively listen to the voice (the sound of the voice), not pondering the meaning of each sentence. Let everything that is said, takes place on the screen of your mind’s eye.
If you suddenly find that your attention has shifted to everyday thoughts and problems (initially this is normal) – calmly and gently return your attention to the voice (sometimes helps if you repeat each phrase in the first person – substituting “you” – ” I “). With each class your ability to concentrate and imaginative thinking are increasing. 2.The second way – to relax and focus on the idea that you relax and fall asleep, not paying attention to the voice (volume removed to the point that the meaning differed only in listening attentively). To heal enough to engage every third day, but regularly, as “the path of sensations” quickly grow.
First recommended to simply listen attentively the whole program (without relaxation) to make sure that what it says it is safe for you and satisfies you with the moral and ethical point of view. The only limitation in the application of this technique is your unwillingness to change.Safety. The text on the disc carefully planned from the point of view of safety. There are no dangerous on the meanings of words, expressions, and semantic structures.
To comply with your internal environment given only the “Operating Procedures” that fills your brain with your own specific content. If during class you suddenly there discomfort because you, as you seem to be too entered another reality (identified with it), stay calm.Remember that you have total control over the situation, and in your power to stop the feeling of a different reality. Remember, without your consent, nothing can capture you. You and only you create this effect – the product of your brain. Tell yourself firmly: “I want to get back to reality, I’m going back in a familiar environment.” Several times with force compress and uncompress your fingers, slowly open your eyes. Intense (painfully) massage the area between the eyebrows, between the nose and upper lip, between the thumb and forefinger. But, remember that you are in complete safety, it is better to “play” (survive) the situation to the end, because otherwise it will be returned to you (it is your internal problem to solve, which is not dependent on listening You program or not).Being fully conscious, you may suddenly find that they are unable to move hand or foot. Stay calm – it triggered a security mechanism is not giving us sleepwalk and provides deep rest the body. You can just wait a little longer, enjoying recreation, – the ability to move quickly restored. If you hurry, tell yourself confidently, “Now I get up, I get up, I got (a).” You suddenly find that you have already taken. Proceed as appropriate. If you feel chest pain, or you are a person of advanced age, do not do the exercise “stress – relaxation.” Do not listen to the disc in pieces (regularly) because the effect of this can not be predicted.
The desired effect. Improved health and relationships with others. Out of its doldrums. Increased self-esteem and self-worth. More successful, any purposeful activity, with lower energy consumption. Quick recovery after (and during) stress, illness, severe physical and mental stress. Development of creative and psychic abilities. Regularly engaged SHAPED meditation, you get a key to keep calm in stressful situations and fast, but a good rest.Further, in order to calm down and relax, it will be enough to imagine your mental image of relaxation and calm to take a deep breath. The words “aim”, “seamless” and “healing” have the same root, so it is more visible and more rapid effect on employment will be the people who have realized that they have a health problem and the relationship with yourself and others and want them to allow the best way, or want to improve their performance in sports, art, business, and so on.
Other people on the background of the general welfare and the lack of meaningful goals for them, the effect is less visible (but no less significant). On average, the improvement of health is noticeable after 10 – 15 regular lessons. Usually 20-25 such sessions is enough to start the process of healing. If you install the software before going to bed, for a noticeable effect sometimes takes a bit more time (very individual for each person).
Recommended recurrence after 3 months, or when a problem. The method is compatible with all forms of therapy (more than that – greatly increases their efficiency and reduces harmful side effects). To achieve other objectives requires daily practice, preferably in the morning, immediately after awakening (usually at this time, most people just “lying around”, luxuriating in bed), and in the evening before going to bed (repeat classes give a very significant result). Before each class you need to clearly articulate the goal.
The method has no contraindications or effect of habituation. The more you practice and gain experience, the more noticeable and lasting results. Soon you will learn how to run a healing mechanism and solve problems automatically, just set a goal and take a deep breath (if the program you will need the first one every three months, and then once a year – to update the skill). Remember that in any case, you must first clearly formulated goals.Another recommendation – to write at the end of each session, all the experiences, feelings, findings and observations. Write down everything that you experienced during meditation, even the thoughts, memories and feelings that have no apparent connection to your problem. You may see them in a new light. In any case, with the records you pave the way to direct their creative resources and harmonious state of body, soul and personality, which is self-healing (if for some reason you can not record with the same success can be your experience to tell a dictaphone or tell a loved one).Side effects. For some people, the “last card” for better health is a headache. Despite the special techniques that are applied in the text, in very rare cases, mild pain appear, usually immediately after listening, or – the next day, and means that the beneficial changes do happen. This pain can be easily removed in the following exercise: about 5 minutes in a quiet place, imagine how warm waves flow from the head to the hands and feet. Hand and foot is warm, and there around the head cool.While listening to the program early in the morning (just woke up), or again – for one day, for some people, you may be distracted. So avoid such listening, if your work requires more attention, or linked, to some extent, with dangerous machinery.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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