The Soul Evolution Intensive with Linda Backman
Module 3: SUBTLE ACTIVITY THEORIES: COLLECTIVE FIELDS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (OCTOBER 20) How can subtle activism work? How can our spiritual work affect modern societies of enormous size and complexity? The idea of subtle activism contradicts our usual perception of the world as an aggregate of seemingly separate material objects and the materialistic ideas of orthodox science. But science itself has come to recognize not only the deep interconnection of all things at more fundamental levels of reality, but also the complex connection between consciousness and the world. This week we take a look at various cutting-edge theories that have been developed to explain the non-local nature of consciousness. During this session, you will find: The significance of the theory of morphogenetic fields of biochemist Rupert Sheldrake and the theory of the collective unconscious Carl Jung Christopher Bach’s fascinating psychedelic studies, including his theory of how people in unusual states can bring healing to the human species. Theory behind the study of the Maharishi Effect Dion Fortune’s esoteric theory of magical activism You will also engage in guided meditation to help build our group will center, and in Guyafield attunement practice to connect to the core quality of basic trust. Module 4: PRINCIPLES OF FINE ACTIVISM: HOW TO SAFELY AND FAIRLY PARTICIPATE IN COLLECTIVE TRANSFORMATION (OCTOBER 27) Subtle activism is the expansion of our spiritual practice into a collective realm. Openness to these broader social realms can raise new questions about how to interact ethically and safely. What is the best approach to the practice of subtle activism? What is the correct orientation? How can our participation on a collective level be organically integrated into the rest of our spiritual life? In this session you will learn: Ethics of Involvement in Subtle Dimensions for the Collective How to safely engage in the practice of subtle activism The principle of non-attachment to the result The principle of humility: own dark places within yourself The Importance of Involvement from Integrity You will also engage in guided meditation to connect our group centers of heart, mind and will, as well as In the Seeds of Peaceful Attunement centered in the Middle East. Module 5: SUBTLE ACTIVITY AND THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS (NOVEMBER 3) We have reached an extraordinary threshold in human and planetary history. Along with the threat of a global ecological crisis and the potential collapse of current socio-economic systems, there are seeds of an emerging civilization of planetary wisdom all around us. What can we do to nurture this nascent planetary consciousness? How can the practice of subtle activism help catalyze the planetization process? In this session you will learn about: Noosphere: an extraordinary vision of Teilhard de Chardin Integral Earth Community: David Berry’s Concept of Our Transition to the Ecozoic Era Rebirth of the Cosmos: Could Humanity Be Prepared to Reawaken to the Spiritual Intelligence of the Universe? How Global Meditation Practice Can Serve as a Collective Initiation into Planetary Consciousness Why chaos theory suggests a deep collective shift could happen much faster than we think You will also engage in guided meditation to clear our group will, and in water attunement to open up to deep guidance on a pressing issue on the world stage (we will select a specific issue based on world events at that time).
MODULE 6: WORKING WITH GROUP FIELDS (NOVEMBER 10) Although we can practice subtle activism as individuals, our impact is radically enhanced when we practice together as a highly coherent group field. The art of bringing our consciousness together to discover higher forms of collective wisdom in relation to the challenges facing our species is the forefront of the practice of subtle activism today. The group field can be developed and refined in such a way that it itself becomes a new entity and an unusually powerful vehicle for personal and collective transformation. As the famous Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Khan said: “The Sangha can become the next Buddha.” In this session, you will find: 3 keys to building collective intelligence in groups The evolutionary significance of the transition from individualism to conscious collectivism Why practice in group fields facilitates access to the collective unconscious of humanity and the energies of higher dimensions An exciting and magical process that arose in David’s work to develop the subtle body of the group and apply its spiritual powers for collective healing You will also participate in a guided meditation to cleanse our group heart and in the Gaiafield tuning, designed to sanctify the December Paris Climate Change Conference site. Module 7: HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN FINE CIRCLE OF ACTIVITY AND BECOME A PART OF THE MOTION (NOVEMBER 17) As Budapest club president Erwin Laszlo recently said: “Subtle activism is an idea whose time has come.” Although the term “subtle activism” is still new, a movement is emerging around the world to harness the power of our collective consciousness for the benefit of a global shift. The movement is very young, fresh and open to creative ways of interacting with it. Do you feel the call? If so, then how could you take the next steps on your path as a subtle activist? In our final session, you: Learn How to Create Your Own Subtle Activity Circle Hear about interesting subtle activism initiatives from a number of leaders in the field Find out how you can be an anchor for the practice of subtle activism in your city or area Learn How You Can Connect Regularly To Constant Forms Of Subtle Activism Practice You will also engage in guided meditation to purify our group mind and in a radiant joyful attunement to bring light to the major buildings of the world. FINE ACTIVISTS TRAINING BONUS COLLECTION In addition to David’s transformative 7-week virtual program, you will also receive these powerful trainings from the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are offered to further complement what you learn over the course and to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level. SACRED AND SUBTLE ACTIVISM AUDIO DIALOGUE WITH ANDREW HARVEY How can you combine your deep inner joy with pragmatic action to transform existing economic, social and political institutions? What is the connection between spiritual practice and inspired worldly action? Where is the point of contact between subtle and sacred activism? Join mystical scholar and activist Andrew Harvey in a lively dialogue with David Nicol on these and other issues at the intersection of spirituality and activism. Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker, and founder / director of the Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting interested people to rise to the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional and systemic change to create peace and resilience. He has written and edited over 30 books and has received numerous awards including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Spirit Body Mind Award.
EARTH TREASURE VASE GLOBAL HEALING PROJECT AUDIO DIALOGUE WITH SYNTHIA YURS Over the past 25 years, Cynthia Jurs has accomplished an incredible Odyssey, tying together the global mandala of communities through the “Earth Treasure Vase Practice”, a sacred Tibetan Buddhist method of community healing. The practice involves filling a consecrated earthenware vessel with prayers and sacred offerings and then burying them in key locations in the ground. Since 1990, Cynthia has extended this practice to 30 sites around the world. In this hour-long dialogue with David T. Nicola, Cynthia shares her wonderful story and discusses the implications of this practice for the field of subtle activism. Cynthia Yurs is a Buddhist teacher who received the Dharmacharya transmission for teaching from Zen master Thich Nhat Khan in 1994. Also a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, she studied with many great masters and spent a lot of time in retreat, practicing both the Vajrayana and Zen Buddhist traditions for the past 30 years. She leads the Open Path Sangha in Santa Fe, New Mexico, teaching retreats and leading “busy Buddhism” meditation and spiritual activity groups. In 1990, Cynthia embarked on a pilgrimage to meet a 106-year-old Tibetan lama living in a cave high in the Himalayas, which changed her life. She asked the old man in the cave, Charoka Rinpoche, “What can we do to bring healing and protection to Earth?” He instructed her in the practice of a WHA with earthly treasures; a practice dedicated to bringing healing and protection to the earth by filling consecrated clay vessels with prayers and offerings and burying them in places of need around the world. She was given 30 such consecrated clay vessels and told to fill them with sacred offerings. and prayers, carried to places in need of healing, and buried according to tradition. Inspired by her travels with this practice, she founded the Alliance for Earth in 2008 to support the emergence of a global community committed to healing and renewing the Earth. As director of the Earth Treasure WHA Global Healing Project, Cynthia has collaborated with young indigenous activists and elders in communities around the world in this unique ritual that strengthens the community, invites everyone to prayer and catalyzes unpredictable solutions.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 195
- Assessments Yes
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