The Sacred Business Accelerator
If the idea of owning and growing a sacred business excites you, you are what we call a “sacred entrepreneur” – someone who wants to translate your highest values into your business and make a real impact. You may not even think of yourself as a businessman, but just a person with a gift who wants to be useful at the deepest level. It’s fine! And if you have a business where you pay for your services, you are also an entrepreneur. But chances are, you haven’t earned an MBA or trained in business fundamentals, let alone the latest in internet marketing, branding, sales funnels, team building, or startup strategies. That’s where the sacred business accelerator comes in. It provides key skills for people like you – dedicated people looking to change the world who have never been trained to create the thriving, conscious business you love. It’s designed to help you go beyond just building a sustainable business that feeds you and your family (albeit a great first step in which you will be supported) – to an amazing, wonderful and sacred business that wows customers, clients, employees and even investors. Why? Because you are the person who can help change the world. The world really needs you to reach as many people as possible who can benefit from your work, your training, your services, your products and your example. The world needs a big change, and you can really help. WHAT YOU LEARN – THE BASIC LEARNING PLAN Each module will be 1 month long, with two core training and Q&A sessions featuring our expert faculty. In addition, each module will feature two laser coaching sessions with Stephen Dynan, founder and CEO of Shift Network, who is one of the world’s leading experts on Sacred Business and is extremely effective in developing ideas and strategies to take your business to the next level. And at the end of each session, Holly Woods, PhD, Integral Master Trainer ™ and Director of Education for the Shift Network, synthesizes a module to help you integrate this knowledge into your business and life. Each module will harmoniously build upon the next, so that you will develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles needed to develop a successful sacred business. Module 1: BECOME A PURPOSE ENTREPRENEUR AND CREATE A HOLY NEW PARADIGM OF BUSINESS Faculty: Stephen Dinan, Change Network Jan 7, 28 (12:00 p.m. PT) Sage Lavigne, Academy of Entrepreneurial Leadership Jan 14, 21 (2:00 p.m. PT) In this foundational module, Stephen Dinan and Sage Lavigne will help you understand and apply some of the key practices that today’s leading companies and leaders use to grow their businesses and have a powerful positive impact on society. In this and future modules, Stephen will share his well-deserved secrets of how to succeed as an entrepreneur, building a company that aims to lift the world. You will hear him go through many hardships to succeed in building a company with heart and honesty. Stephen will mix his ideas from the “outer game” of marketing, business development and enrollment, and the “inner game” of enhancing your ability as a leader, and he will also engage in “laser coaching” to help participants take the next step in business.
The sage will help you to carve out your divine right customer niche by overcoming your fear of intimacy – so you can get more customers by truly aligning with your true purpose. It will help you get into deep connection and co-creation, both with the spirit and with other entrepreneurs, in a way that will open doors and generate long-term and sustainable income. In this module, you will: Create a storytelling template to turn your life journey into the heart of your marketing – letting your true essence shine through the story that is for sale. Learn to answer the question “what do you do?” in terms of internal alignment so that people are happy to learn more from you. Learn to use the key elements of your sacred life journey to create a blueprint for your entrepreneurial message that will help you expertly and authentically package and describe the transformations you are bringing about. Clear the blocks that keep you from being seen so that you become the leader that is destined to be your soul. Put all the pieces of this formula together and learn how to live your “True North” and mission, and contribute to the world the way you want! Save energy and money by eliminating actions that don’t serve your business in finding and challenging your “divine right customer”. ” Learn strategies to consistently approach your messages that send the right signals to your ideal partners and clients. Develop methods to determine which programs and tactics are appropriate for your divine purpose. View creating a sacred business as a journey, not a destination – allowing yourself to continue to grow and develop over time without getting too far ahead of the market. Find out how a sacred business can use its highest purpose to attract customers, employees and partners. Use information about your Divine audience to increase sales and marketing. Connect with the truth of your heart and design messages that directly respond to people’s basic needs and build rapport. Use the power of your divine guidance to make routine and strategic decisions.
About Sage Lavigne: Sage Lavigne is the CEO of Conscientious Women Entrepreneurs and organizer of international Women for Purpose Summits reaching 30,000 conscious entrepreneurs worldwide. She teaches women entrepreneurs to enrich their practice and create sustainable financial and conscious wealth by building the business they love. The sage believes in purposeful entrepreneurship as a way to create change in the world towards social and environmental solutions. She also believes that every hearty business owner who gives away money through humanitarian efforts is a step in the right direction for the planet. Sage also inspires her students to love themselves and each other so much that we can’t help but succeed … together. About Stephen Dinan: Stephen is the CEO of the Shift Network and a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and Evolutionary Leadership Groups. As a former director of membership and marketing at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, he was the driving force behind the shift in the agenda. He is also the author of Radical Spirit (New World Library) and the upcoming book Sacred America: Sacred World. Stephen directed and helped establish the Esalen Institute’s Theory and Research Center – a think tank for leading scientists, researchers and educators researching boundaries of human potential. Module 2: MASTERING THE GENTLE ARTS NISHING: HOW TO GET CLOSE, TRUST AND CONNECTION WITH YOUR BEST POTENTIAL CLIENTS AND CLIENTS Faculty: Mark Silver, heart of business 2 February 11 Stephen Dinan 18, 25 February This session with Mark Silver will build on your now deep understanding of your personal goal from Module 1 to further define your niche in a way that keeps you at the center of your business. Mark has helped thousands of personal development, health and wellness business owners (and many others) align their goals and uncover the “jewels” that set them apart from the competition — creating messages that resonate with their hearts and creating successful proposals. Stephen Dinan will propose ideas and strategies that helped him learn to speak to the ideal niche to turn the web of shifts into a successful entrepreneurial business, as well as provide personalized laser coaching to participants. In this module, you will: Embody your highest goal into a deep understanding of who your target audience is. Discover that the real purpose of marketing isn’t just acquisition. Uncover 3 basic steps in communicating with your ideal client and explain why this is important for marketing. Start seeing how the relationship is developing and how long it takes to make an important buying decision. Learn to convey what you are doing in one compelling sentence. Learn how closeness and trust is built in your marketing message. Change your attitude toward the customer From reactive to proactive. Create strategies to easily attract customers to your business. Develop your unique abilities and areas of power to create strategies that speak the language of your ideal client. Be vulnerable with your customers in a way that cultivates loyalty.
About Silver Brand: Mark founded Heart of Business in 2001 with a mission to help small business people who want to make a difference and need to make a profit. Since then, he and his team have worked with thousands of business owners around the world, and he has written seven different programs that make up the Academy for Entrepreneurial Wisdom. Mark’s guide to your business brings together over 5,000 years of spiritual tradition with down-to-earth, unmistakable business practices to support the healing of your own divide between business action, ethics, and spirituality. An appointed master teacher in his Sufi spiritual lineage, Mark has earned his masters of divinity and seamlessly integrates ancient spiritual teachings that feed the heart with very specific, small details of how to do business. Module 3: CREATING YOUR AN EXCITING OFFER Faculty: Liza Sasevich, Invisible Close March 4, 11 Stephen Dinan March 18, 25 In this module, Lisa Sasevich will force you to shift your thinking away from your audience and niche to gain a crystal clear understanding of the transformation your customers will experience as a result of working with you. Lisa has helped many of her now six-figure clients create a compelling proposition by generatively building her personal “brand” of transformation that naturally invites clients to work with them. Stephen Dinan will provide ideas and strategies that have helped create a viable business model and compelling offerings on the Shift Network, as well as provide personalized laser coaching to participants. In this module, you will: Determine what constitutes a value proposition for your customers as opposed to products. Use this distinction to completely transform your entire business, from product definition to marketing and business systems. Create a powerful language that brings lightness to your customer relationships that you can use in any type of communication. Give your potential customers the opportunity to say yes to your proposal – because they will immediately see how it serves them. Uncover 3 questions to ask yourself to make your proposal absolutely simple. Create desire among your customers by starting with the first words of your mouth. Marvel at the ease of designing your proposal based on the expected transformation your customers will experience. Develop an ease of sharing your offer with customers as you uncover their personal benefits. Structure and present compelling offers to help customers buy now. Move people from the “maybe” position, where no action is taking place, to the “yes” position, where they are acting. Cultivate the practice of innovation, fresh ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. About Liza Sasevich: Lisa has built a multi-million dollar home business with two toddlers in tow. She is the author of The Invisible Close, which teaches the experts who make a difference how to get their message across effectively and reliably. Lisa has helped build many successful careers because she insists on guiding her clients in creating systems that help their clients make choices, take action, move forward, and devote themselves to something they want. Lisa will show you how to share your wealth with the world and thus gain wealth that people should share with you.
Module 4: ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITHOUT FIGHT Faculty: Sharla Jacobs, Flourish Academy April 18th Stephen Dinan, Change Network April 15, 22 (no lessons on April 29) In this powerful module on customer acquisition with a heart, Sharla Jacobs shares a few simple and easy-to-use heart-based principles to quickly attract customers to your business – without being intrusive. Sharla has trained over 20,000 clients to become 6-odd earning figures using her Heartselling ™ methods, which have been loaded from the divine and become a powerful magnet for their business clients. Stephen Dinan will talk about the marketing strategies used by the Shift Network to attract ideal customers who resonate with the company’s true purpose, as well as provide customized laser coaching to members. Under Sharla’s direction, you will: Uncover the “8 Keys to Attracting Customers Without Fighting” and the 5 Elements of Selling Hearts. Recognize divinity in yourself and in your clients. Become curious about your customers’ problems and concerns to understand their pain points. Explore 3 magic questions to help you deliver valuable free advice that turns objectionable customers into paying customers. Learn to talk about money and dance “I can’t afford it” with honesty and efficiency. Learn to use the 5 Essential Elements of Chinese Medicine to better communicate with yourself and your clients. Create a holistic approach to leaning towards your customers, helping them get what they need from what you have, and being able to support them in saying yes to themselves. Find out what exactly is missing in your communication and sales mindset so you can better serve your customers. Approach your customers with generosity and service to help them become more curious. Design your operations to maximize your strengths and create a prosperous lifestyle for you personally. Apply the lessons of building a truly happy and heartfelt corporate culture.
About Charles Jacobs: Sharla is an award-winning million dollar mentor, and she and her husband, Jesse Coren, are two of the world’s leading influencers on helping coaches, practitioners and entrepreneurs increase their income by six figures. They have trained over 20,000 people on their step-by-step system and have given over $ 6 million in scholarships to their own events, and have donated over $ 100,000 for the goals they believe in. Sharla will give you a treasure map to increase your income and build a sustainable business. Module 5: HEART-BASED MARKETING Faculty: George Cao, True Livelihood Community May 6, 20 Stephen Dinan, Change Network May 13, 27 In this module, George Cao will help you build the confidence as a business owner that you are always safe and completely protected. You will learn how a cordial approach to your customers will bring you more customers and business without feeling threatened. George has worked with hundreds of clients and is generous in helping you build your own wisdom business with love and generativeness. Stephen Dinan will share his thoughts on how Shift network marketing strategies are beneficial just because they come from the heart and also provide participants with personalized laser coaching. In this module, you will: Learn to look wider at what’s good for your soul and the souls of your customers. Invest your time in the long term to get a bang for your buck, not a short term return on investment. Learn how to give out of wise generosity rather than outright selflessness to build true worshipers. Develop a strategy to build genuine fans to get support through referrals, promotions, crowdfunding, and more. Get a clear understanding of how others can access your help through the different levels of services you offer (free, bartered, paid, etc.). Find out how to vary the price of your offers to build more subscribers at every level. Let your audience show what they want to create and deliver, rather than impose their vision on your ideal audience. Learn to have self-compassion to maintain a work-life balance. Realize the benefits of focusing on authenticity, valuation, learning, and karma, not just sales, comments, likes, fans, conversions, or options. Learn to build reliable networks of allies with genuine generosity and goodwill in a way that can lead to rapid expansion. Turn into failure, getting gifts and opportunities for personal transformation from them. Move along the boundaries of personal sacrifice and self-care as your business grows. Balance decisions that are for the greater good, and be wise with your personal and organizational resources. About George Kao: George is a trusted conscious marketer for over 500 clients, teaching the most productive online marketing techniques to coaches, consultants, consultants, and those who create what George calls “business wisdom.” His mission is to dramatically improve the marketing performance of people who deeply value honesty, service and sustainability. George has been building online communities for over 10 years. In recent years, he has become an expert on how to use the Internet productively to get your message across. to people who would like to hire you for your services or buy your programs.
Module 6: SACRED BUSINESS THINKING: BECOME THE PERSON YOU NEED TO BE IN ORDER TO SHOW YOUR VISION Faculty: Ryan Eliason, Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network June 3, 17 Stephen Dinan, Change Network June 10, 24 Ryan Eliason, one of the world’s best coaches for socially conscious entrepreneurs, believes success is 90% psychological and 10% technical. In other words, it is 10% of skills and technical know-how, as well as 90% of attitude, confidence, focus, determination and your inner “mental game”. effective technical strategies are essential to success, but without reaching the psychological level, you will only reach a tiny percentage of your potential. Mastering the art and science of “being” can lead to more success and satisfaction in business and life than you might imagine, and is perhaps the most important element of business success. Stephen Dinan will share his thoughts on how his personal entrepreneurial style evolved as the network of shifts was created, and he will also provide one-to-one laser coaching for participants. In this module, you will: Be clear about who you must be and what attitudes you must embody in order to achieve your vision. Master the technology to transform your attitude and your lifestyle. Step into being your best self all the time – the person you need to be to achieve your vision. Take on the role of unstoppable, unreasonable, and acting to the fullest. Make a clear, comprehensive written list of both internal and external obstacles and challenges to achieving your vision. Make a written plan to overcome each of these obstacles. Identify your core limiting beliefs and apply a powerful, proven technique to transform them into stronger beliefs. Learn to recognize the voice of your gremlin so that you can act from the inner knowledge that this voice is not your truth. Develop maximum synergies by designing launches and campaigns that meet the needs of partners and allies. Continue to hone your development as a leader by taking feedback wherever you can. Focus on investment, board and long-term vision issues. Invite partners in a way that doesn’t blur your vision and purpose or undermine your cohesion.
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- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 198
- Assessments Yes
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