The Power of Love with Lion Goodman and Carista Luminare
If you are like most people, love is one of the most important things in your life; it gives you meaning, joy and pleasure. It is natural to strive for deeper, more loving and fulfilling relationships because as human beings we are programmed to bond intimately that give us a sense of security, satisfaction, and comfort. The problem is that the magnetic charm of love also makes us vulnerable to the deepest types of pain that cause fear, alienation, and self-sabotage. Some of the subjects you will dive into during this 7-module program: How love functions as a real force – and how you can use more of its energy to improve your life How to get to the core of persistent wounds and begin to heal them The practice of optimizing the relationship between the brain and heart What newer neuroscience says about your brain and early childhood wiring that keeps you in unproductive patterns – and what you can do – to change them A powerful strategy for rebuilding destructive tendencies that are destroying your relationship and instead creating strong, positive connections That you need to fully commit yourself to discover the power of love in your life How to Engage “Acts of Service” That Opens You to a More Truly Generous Way of Love How to turn the art of connecting into a dance together, not a competition Ways to experience amazing sex through secure connection and intimate touch How to truly embody love in the way you touch and move Your specific love style ™ that comes from your early experiences with your parents How Your Signature Virtues Can Be Used To Create Your Love Life WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THESE 7 SESSIONS In this 7-module transformational intensive, Leo and Carista invite you to open your heart and change your life by removing old beliefs and healing the historical wounds that have limited your ability to give and receive love. Each workout will harmoniously build on the next, so you develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles that unlock the full potential of love. In addition, each session will provide steps and action practices to help you express and embody love in your personal life, professional life, and social action. Module 1: BUILDING BLOCKS OF LOVE (RECORDED JUNE 26, 2014) In this introductory module, you will explore what love is about power and how you can use the power of love to change your world. Whether you are a parent, teacher, healer, engineer, or leader, how you treat yourself and others affects both the quality of your experience and the results you produce in your life. In this session you will learn: Why are you so confused about love? What is healthy love? The LoveStyles Model: Safe and Insecure Attachment The neurology of love: how the brain triggers your heart The difference between human and divine love Module 2: 3 FORCES OF LOVE YOURSELF, OTHERS AND THE WORLD (RECORDED JULY 3, 2014) In this module, you will learn to develop the power of love by expressing and embodying love in three areas. You will research: How you feel about yourself and love yourself Ways to Strengthen Your True Self-Esteem and Values, and End Denial and Self-Esteem How you treat other people in all your relationships, including personal, social and professional How you use (and can expand) your feelings of love as “acts of service” to help others who are less fortunate or improve the world.
Module 3: THE MIND OF LOVE YOUR BELIEFS (RECORDED JULY 10, 2014) Beliefs can be uplifting and uplifting, or limiting and harmful. You learned “what love is” from your parents – so no wonder you’re confused! Most of us repeat the patterns we have learned from observing and imitating our parents. We then added the beliefs about love that we received from other family members, friends and lovers, our religious upbringing, and the media. These beliefs operate unconsciously – until you consciously change them. In this session, you will: Explore and release childhood patterns that allowed you to survive and thrive, but now interfere with your life Move beyond old, limiting beliefs that keep you from engaging in and enjoying intimate relationships Learn to free yourself from old programs that prevent you from freely and openly providing support and serving others Module 4: THE HEART OF LOVE THE ART OF CONNECTION (RECORDED JULY 17, 2014) Love is knowing how to positively bond with others (caring) and deal with harmful reactions that we can cause in each other (repair). It is the conscious practice of caring about the other person’s reality and the impact you have on them. In our culture, many people have overlooked this basic understanding of how to consciously create loving and inspiring relationships. If you communicate your feelings and needs with genuine kindness, you are creating a different experience than if you were sharing your truth with judgment. In this session you will learn: How to overcome the problems of narcissism (in yourself and others) The difference between feeling full and reacting to your feelings How to create strong bonds of affection with others (and within yourself), including your children (if you have any) Keys to Freeing the Past Through Forgiveness and Remedy How to bring romance to full bloom, realizing ideal love versus real love Module 5: BODY OF LOVE BALANCE OF SEX, SENSITIVITY AND LIFESTYLE (RECORDED JULY 24, 2014) Love cannot be mentioned without fully considering the body’s response to intimacy. The search for warmth, comfort, sensuality and sex is as versatile as the search for food and water. People have an extraordinary variety of appetites and preferences in this area. One thing is clear: we are social creatures and we need touch to thrive. Your individual self-care and daily life balance practices affect the quality of your relationship. In this class, you will explore: The role of touch (and oxytocin) in your well-being. 4 neurotransmitter systems that optimize your happiness How to balance the forces of masculine and feminine in yourself and in your partnership The dangerous trap of sex, love and porn addiction – and how to overcome them How to “take care and repair” in your relationship when things go wrong Module 6: SOUL OF LOVE VIRTUES OF COMPASSION (RECORDED JULY 31, 2014) Love is a virtue, but it is made up of many different kinds of love acts, each of which is its own virtue. Virtues must be practiced in order to be embodied. In this module, you will learn: Identifying your personal virtues of love and compassion Three virtuous forces: integrating love with wisdom and will How to bring virtue into your life: daily practice to optimize your relationship The Role of the Soul as a Source of Divine Love and Wisdom Interact, Express and Embody! 3 steps to mastering and expressing love.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 120
- Assessments Yes
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