2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy by Jennifer Sweeton
Duration:12 Hours 23 Minutes | Format:Audio and Video
Day 1
Understand the brain’s reward system
Forming and maintaining a habit
Why the brain doesn’t always make the right choices
The myth of the conscious brain
My brain dictated my actions
Impulse vs. routine
Reward and habit
Coping and stress
Brain-wise change
Impulse strategies
Solidifying changes – from neurons to brain regions
From state to line: Short experience to long-term changes
Will power: where is it located?
The role of exercise
Short willpower training
The body’s impact on the brain: changing physical state to manage stress and anxiety
Body-Brain-Mind Conversation
vagus nerve
Heart rate variability
Increased stress tolerance and emotional regulation
Breathing, posture, deep relaxation
The relationship between the body, brain, and mind in different treatment approaches
Influence of the brain on the body
Chronic pain, nociceptors and neurotransmitters
Dorsolateral prefrontal lobe and pain centralization
Effects of stress on pain and inflammation
The measurement of pain
CBT interventions for pain reassessment
The pain is catastrophic
Mental and physical interventions for pain management
How relationships change the brain: the neurobiology of attachment
Neuropeptides: behavior and oxytocin
Healing through the social brain
The role of storytelling
The amorous brain
Brain behavior in long-term love
Novelty and habit
Creating a secure attachment
The principal networks of the brain
Develop compassion and empathy
Day 2
From a depressed brain to a cheerful brain
How the oppressed brain gets stuck
Interhemispheric asymmetry
Cytokines and depression
Neurology of guilt and shame
Opposite way
The relationship of the brain
Gratitude-neurochemistry and practice
Neurofeedback: a study of direct communication with the brain
Trauma treatment and the science of memory
Titrating emotions with mindfulness
Fight / flight / freeze reaction when injured
Regulatory function
Implicit memories
Double awareness
Savvy brain of the narrative
Breathing / Movement / Awareness
Treating shame in trauma
Dependent brain: clinical implications of thirst neurology
Role of the reward center
Neurobiology of thirst
Support on the basis of mindfulness and movement
Identifying false sanctuaries and their underlying beliefs
Double awareness
Conflict management and risk prevention
The Aging Brain
Brain changes throughout life
Strategies for improving memory
Buffering from Alzheimer’s disease
Is mindfulness a neuroprotective approach?
Nutrition and the brain: we are what we eat!
Nutrition for optimal brain function
Brain on sugar
Creating an interdisciplinary team
Limitations of neurobiological research and potential risks of treatment
functional MRI – blood supply and neuronal activity
As soon as a look at brain activation gives an incomplete picture
Neurobiological research, sample size, and validity
Animal research-directly applicable to humans?
Psychotherapy techniques-specific limitations and risks
Recent discoveries in neuroscience have given us an incredible understanding of how the brain works and how it relates to our psychological and physical well-being. However, deep brain research can be difficult for mental health clinicians to interpret-names like” Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex ” mean very little to most of us.
And you face a bigger obstacle than terminology. How do you solve the problem of applying complex scientific and biological information in your clinical practice? How does neurology help you when you come face-to-face with clients working on stress, depression, addiction, and other issues they face every day?
This entry will link critical concepts of science and biology to your clinical work with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, substance abuse, and trauma.
Moreover, you will go beyond the biological mechanisms underlying various disorders, with detailed instructions on real-world treatment strategies that you can use with your clients. Through case studies, experiential exercises, and short lectures, you will learn how to individualize interventions based on mindfulness, cognitive therapy, attachment, and somatic psychology, and apply them to treat mood disorders, injuries, addictions, and more.
Better yet, you will have the opportunity to practice applying what you have learned under the qualified guidance of our instructor, and take home detailed handouts that allow their immediate incorporation into your clinical work.
Go through confusing research and inaccessible jargon and find out how understanding neuroscience can change the way you look at and work with your clients!
Jennifer Switon
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Psy. D., M. N., M. A., Organizational Consultant, Clinical Psychologist
Mind Works Professional Education Inc
Dr. Jennifer Switon is a licensed clinical psychologist, author, and internationally recognized expert on trauma, anxiety, and mental health neurology. Dr. Switon has been practicing EMDR for almost a decade and has treated various populations using EMDR and other approaches to memory recovery, including combat veterans, people with PTSD and complex injuries, and those suffering from treatment-resistant anxiety.
She completed her doctoral studies at Stanford University school of Medicine, the Pacific Graduate School of psychology, and the National center for PTSD. She also received a master’s degree in affective neurology from Stanford University and studied behavioral genetics at Harvard University.
Dr. Switon resides in the Greater Kansas city area, where she owns a private practice group, Kansas City Mental Health Associates. She was a past President of the Oklahoma psychological Association and served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Kansas school of Medicine. She is the President-elect of the greater Kansas city psychological Association. Dr. Switon offers psychological services to clients in Oklahoma, Kansas, and abroad, and is a sought-after trauma and neurology specialist who has trained thousands of mental health professionals in his seminars.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 175
- Assessments Yes
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