Talmadge Harper – Wealth Praxis Omega Program 2.0
Many people don’t realize this, but 10 years ago I was broke and living in my sister’s bedroom in my parent’s house. In desperation, I began applying principles I learned from hypnosis to change my desperate financial situation. Within 6 months, I broke through the 6 figure income gap and was running my own successful hypnosis business.
There is a reason that 99% of all self-help and work-at-home programs don’t work. But before I explain, let me share a little story with you.
Have you ever seen a fly or an insect try to reach the outside by going through a window? It will literally spend hours and hours and hours trying to get through that window. And it thinks if it just tries a little harder, somehow…it will get through that window. But it never does. It ends up dying on the window sill. Have you ever tried to help the fly by opening up a door or another window? Then you know it does not work. The fly just keeps slamming into the window. The only way to help it is to open the same window out of which it has been trying to escape.
Why does this happen? It is because nobody ever told the fly what a window is. Nobody ever explained that it is an invisible barrier that needs to be removed or circumvented.
You too have an invisible barrier that nobody has ever told you about. This is why no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you cannot seem to reach those income goals that you have. You are constantly coming up against this barrier. This barrier is called your SBS, or subconscious belief system, or, in most of your cases, subconscious BS, because most of our beliefs systems are based on absolute B.S.
Everyone has a subconscious belief system about how much wealth can be made, what is possible, whether or not they are worthy of money, whether or an income increase is a difficult or easy thing to do. All of these beliefs form an invisible barrier. It is not until you remove this barrier and open the window that will you be able to move into freedom.
It is inevitable. It is a basic law of the universe. Once the beliefs have been changed, the reverse will start to happen. They will become a barrier that prevents you from ever financially struggling again. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to stop attracting and making more money. Your SBS system will have a new direction, a new purpose: keeping you wealthy.
What is included in the download?
You will be contacted and interviewed to find out what your concrete financial and life goals are. It is recommended that, at the very least, you wish to double your existing income. I encourage everyone to really go for what they really want. Afterwards, 5 customized MP3s will be created for you. You will need to follow along with the instructions. It is also recommended that you let go of what you think is possible and only go for what you WANT. What do you TRULY want? What do you TRULY DESIRE? This program will be customized for YOUR SPECIFIC LIFE DESIGN. This program is recommended for people who have absolutely no clue where to begin and need a complete life redesign.
You will also get access to a special account on harperhypnosis.com where you will get:
Think of it this way, with this program
I am your PERSONAL COACH. You’re buying my time and all the tools at my disposal
to help you. This means I am going to be on your ass which means
1. Mandatory meetings twice a month or more on zoom
2 Mandatory weekly updates via email
3. Customized Mp3s if needed ( these are the same I offer in the store )
4. Higher Self readings/diagnosis to ensure you are staying on track. These are using the psychic readings
to diagnose you if you have any sticking issues at any point . its like a cheat sheet to just see what your issues are
instead of spending hours trying to analyze.
5. Select products from the store as included as a foundation
6. Wealth is addressed in terms of health, sex life, life purpose.
I need to get you at your goal asap so if you do this there is no whining, no excuses you just do what i tell you to do or you’re out of the program, no refunds.
There is no deciding to procrastinate or wait,
or come back to it. There is no time for analyzing for hours or pontificating “why” you have issues or why you’re stuck.
We just identify them using the tools, clear them out and get you on your way.
No disrespect or assumptions toward you is intended.
I have to be clear about this because my time is valuable and I’m only offering this at a low cost to encourage more
testimonials for my book release and to get people to commit.
Obviously I could easily charge 3-5k and it would be worth it
based on what you’ve read on the testimonials.
We hit the ground running. It will be uncomfortable and at times scary as everything is when we
go outside our comfort zones. But you will have the tools and the power of your subconscious mind to guide you.
You need to have a good reason WHY before doing this, as in the pain of your current existence is too much
Take Talmadge Harper – Wealth Praxis Omega Program 2.0 at Whatstudy.com
Contact us at: [email protected]
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes