Julien Blanc – High Vibe Communication High Quality PDF Notes ( Gold )
Julien Blanc Finally Cracks Open The Vault…And Reveals To You 15+ Years Worth Of Social Secrets, Hyper-Advanced Techniques And His PERSONAL Formula For Skyrocketing Your Social Success To The EXTREME
Forget Social Awkwardness, Anxiety or Embarrassment And Learn to Build Strong, Healthy Relationships In EVERY Social Situation Imaginable… (Even With Strangers)
Over 53 videos of no-fluff breakdown of EVERYTHING that encompasses HIGH VIBRATION social skills that will help you unleash that “Magnetic Vibe” and create those opportunities for ANYONE to see it!
Split up into 5 main sections:
This is the #1 area where most people are lacking… And why they get labeled as “weird” or “creepy”
This section will LOGICALLY explain to you how “EMOTIONAL communication” works and how to tap into the vibe of someone who people are naturally drawn to
This alone will boost your social success to ridiculous levels and will teach you:
- How to quickly transform yourself from being a “SOCIAL SCAMMER” who can’t talk to people without hiding behind a fake front to being a “SOCIAL MASTER” who is 100% comfortable in their own skin.
- Learn how to “spark” something RAW inside yourself and be the EXPRESSIVE and ATTRACTIVE person you know you’re meant to be
- Discover the “emotional buttons” to push within yourself to INSTANTLY boost your mood and get into a social FLOW.
- My INFALLIBLE method to eliminate “SOCIAL ANXIETY” for good and how to effortlessly approach ANYONE you want to meet in ANY situation
- My own DETAILED analysis of the core beliefs and the core identity of a “social natural”, which ALONE can elevate your sense of self.
- How to integrate the styles and techniques of the best in a way that’s completely congruent to YOUR unique personality.
- The #1 way to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you feel you DESERVE the social success you WILL be getting
- And SO MUCH more…
This is the difference between being comfortable with yourself VS being comfortable with yourself in a way so that OTHER people can appreciate it too

- What is VALUE? It’s myths and truths… Communicating YOUR value will happen effortlessly for you after you go through this section.
- How to suck people into your reality. It’s one thing to be HIGH VALUE, but the key is knowing how to make it RELATABLE to others
- You will learn about social frames and the GLORIOUS reframes that make people chase you. You’ll LOVE the results.
- Discover the pillars of a STRONG identity. A way to eliminate the deadly “mind virus” of comparing yourself to others and start living for YOU.
- You’ll learn the behaviors you should never engage in, and how to read and calibrate to ANYONE you meet
- You’ll discover the profound and life changing secrets that all top social masters know, and how to read the INVISIBLE channels of communication.
- This section will equip you with the SPECIFIC formulas, techniques and understandings that ONLY a proven, tested and experienced social expert can give you
- EXTRA SECTION: I’ll teach you my strategy to NEVER run out of things to say and how to direct the rhythms of EVERY interaction.
Discover my personal ROAD MAP to hours of instantaneous conversational material and the STRUCTURE of how to take things to new levels in your interactions.
Think of it like the ‘skeleton’ of human interaction. You just use your unique personality to flesh it out.
- HOW TO START A CONVERSATION: I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to get someone to respond to you positively after you meet them.
- THE HOOK POINT: I shell out my ENTIRE TOOLBOX of ways to get people interested in you and CHASING you
- CONGRUENCE TESTING: When you put yourself out there, people will test you… I will show you how to pass these tests with flying colors.
- VIBING: How to stop SELLING YOUR RESUME and talk about emotionally impactful things that get people experiencing you more and more.
- BUILDING COMFORT: How to build that “bubble of togetherness” between you and others that will make them feel extremely connected to you.
- INVESTMENT: The more someone invests in someone, the more they value that person… Discover the different investment techniques that work like a charm!
- QUALIFICATION: When you have SO MUCH value, people sometimes won’t believe you actually like them… This high-quality problem is solved through qualification, and these methods are simple and LETHAL
- CONNECTING LONGTERM: You will learn how to bridge your interactions for later and connect via phone number or social media.
- FOLLOWING UP: The RIGHT WAY to follow up without being needy, and discover my ADVANCED social media strategy that will get people following up with YOU.
- GROUP DYNAMICS: How to navigate a group conversation by understanding the group hierarchy and reading the subtle group social cues
Make years of progress in just a few months.
The process for improving any sort of skill or system is pretty straightforward:
Wash, rinse, repeat.

- You’ll learn why action alone ISN’T enough… And how to always identify what RIGHT action to take
- I reveal the top learning short-cuts that took me over a DECADE to figure out… These insights are worth kingdoms, as they’ll allow you to focus on what truly accelerates your progress.
- You’ll hear some hardcore ADVANCED concepts Once you wrap your head around these weird “Jedi-level” insights, you will be socially UNSTOPPABLE.
- You’ll learn how to focus on what really matters – and you’ll reap the rewards.
- You’ll get a crystal clear breakdown of the basics that advanced social masters still focus on
- Discover the secret to “reforging” yourself – how pushing your comfort zone can accelerate your learning curve in ways you never thought possible, resulting in success built on reality, not on illusion.
Practice Practice Practice
This way, you’re able to get better, faster, with less effort.

- Powerful verbal exercises that cultivate the ULTIMATE positive vibe within you that will cause people to be wildly intrigued by your presence ALONE.
- LIVE demonstrations with audience members for conversing in SPECIFIC tonalities and simple verbal techniques that convey ‘cool’ no matter what you’re talking about
- Learn how to draw state from within, and remain confident and grounded in ANY situation.
- Easy ways to improve your body language, your eye contact, and even the subtle tonalities in your voice to make sure that it all “comes together” in a charismatic manner.
- How to talk about yourself in a way that makes people find you intriguing and builds their curiosity… Even if you consider yourself an “ordinary” person.
Always taking it to the next level
The journey never ends.
Even today, I’m STILL working on improving and refining EVERY aspect of my social skills… And you should too.
This is the secret to living a truly elite-tier lifestyle.
This is my mission, and why I’ve put together the one thing that helped me, quite literally, have it all.
But I didn’t stop there, inside HVC, you’ll also find…

My Masterclass on Destroying Fear and Anxiety

So that instead of communicating from a place of desperation… You can express yourself from a place of genuine confidence and empathy.
This is the KEY to instant connections and next-level social opportunities… And overcoming fear and anxiety has never been this EASY.
You’re about to walk through a doorway to untold levels of freedom and liberation from fear!
My Masterclass on Overcoming Neediness
This masterclass takes the struggle out of overcoming neediness.
We all have an almost instinctive REPULSION to needy behavior, which is why eliminating ANY trace of it within yourself is crucial to your success.
You will learn how to overcome “being needy” by identifying and addressing the SOURCE of this behavior.
This is much more complex than a few simple tips and tricks, but produces PERMANENT change!
My Masterclass on Supercharging Your Personality
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to just “cut loose” and tap into that awesome “unpredictable and out-of-control” side of your personality?
In this masterclass, I will teach you how to be a HIGH VALUE “caricature of yourself” that will draw people in and radiate that celebrity-style aura.
No more blank stares or awkward silences after your punchline… Learn how to harness your unique personality, use timing, tonality, context, and other small social nuances so that everything you say becomes captivating!
An Advanced Social Skills Module
(with Owen Cook)

If you want elite-tier interactions to be part of your everyday life, this is the class for you!
One of the greatest to ever teach this and myself will break down the skills that open up opportunities most people don’t even believe are possible… (They are, we’ve experienced them countless times, and we’ll show you how to as well)
This is brand new content you will definitely not want to miss.
IS LOADED With Some of the Most EPIC Social Skills Content
But Not Only That, it ALSO Comes with Some LIFE-CHANGING BONUSES
That Aren’t Available ANYWHERE ELSE!
- Discover the power and LIFESTYLE of being a “master of boundaries”
- Julien’s personal ROADMAP to identifying and clarifying your own boundaries
- How to let go of the need to be “extra nice” to make others like you
- Become someone who inspires others to respect your wants and needs
- Powerful ways to EASILY navigate hard conversations and difficult topics
- How to avoid falling into the death trap of “silence or violence”
- A secret way to eliminate the “subconscious fears” that hold you back speaking your truth
- How to stop getting drained by others (feel 100% grounded within)
- How to manifest a lifelong connection with your “soulmate”
- The #1 rule for when you should get into a relationship… And when you shouldn’t!
- Secret “marriage epiphanies” (how to screen for the perfect partner)
- How to reprogram your subconscious so that you feel you are DESERVING of love
Why I Created High Vibe Communication
If your life feels like a train on a crash course, it’s not too late…
You can still change the tracks.
But YOU have to be the one to do it.
Take it from me… You can’t afford to wait around anymore. You’ve got to take action.
Because the more you put it off, the more excuses you make…
Then the more obstacles you’ll have to overcome when you finally DO take action.
High Vibe Communication is your chance to break the cycle. To experience true social freedom.
Take Julien Blanc – High Vibe Communication High Quality PDF Notes ( Gold ) at Whatstudy.com
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes