The Ultimate Options Beginner Tool Kit
Quick Start to Options
Here is just SOME of what you will learn in this course:
This session is designed to get you up to speed on the Simpler way to profitable options trading. You’ll learn John Carter’s high probability Squeeze setup that identifies opportunities for extraordinary gains. This is the setup that allowed John to break free from his corporate job almost 20 years ago. It’s also the setup behind John’s famous 24-hour 7-figure TSLA trade!
In just two hours you’ll discover how the markets really work (and how to avoid the mistake that causes most traders to fail). John will also reveal the almost unfair advantage individual traders have over big Wall Street funds – and how to exploit it for rapid account growth.
You won’t be bored with a bunch of theory. John will focus exclusively on a simple setup you can use right away. The goal is to deliver an ‘aha’ experience so you can take your trading results to the next level as fast as possible. If you’re new to options or new to the Simpler Trading community, this training is for you.
- Strategy Session: 2 hours and 31 minutes
Ultimate Guide to Debit Spreads
- Everything you need to know about how to create a consistent income stream using debit spreads.
- How to use debit spreads to increase your probability of profit. You will use less risk because selling the further OTM option helps pay for the more expensive options.
- Why debit spreads are perfect for a small account, because they need zero margin so you never lose more than the amount of your debit.
- How to write a plan for growing an account using debit spreads, so you’re guaranteed not to lose more than your stop loss. Never exit the play early by being “shaken out.”
- The rules for using debit spreads to defend positions, so you have a versatile understanding of debit spreads.
- The debit spread strategies to use in today’s markets. Walk away from the class knowing what to do Monday morning.
- What the benefits are of vertical vs. diagonal debit spreads, and how to know which one will work the best.
Trading Psychology and Money Management Blueprint
In Danielle’s psychology session –
- Learn how to recognize when your trade monster is coming out and taking control. How it takes over and robs you of your methodology, discipline, and business structure in the interest of fear and/or greed.
- Know the signals that your trade monster is out of control, and why it’s so critical to remember that we aren’t in charge of the market.
- Learn how to look at every single trade, the good and the bad, as a lesson, and why you can’t be a successful trader until you do.
- The surefire steps to blowing out your trading account, and how to avoid them.
- The methods of self-inflicted trading pain and why technical analysis and methodology are so critical for avoiding trading pain. For example, you may take profits too soon. Did you know your Fibonacci extensions?
- Danielle’s biggest offenders: When they happened, how they happened, how she came back from them, and how she’s making sure they don’t happen again.
In John’s psychology session –
- Learn that psychology and money management are directly correlated, and how they’re directly correlated.
- How the media, news, and social media sites affect your psychology, and how that ultimately affects your trading (and not for the better).
- Why not being able to tackle the psychological aspect of trading will always lead to frustrating results.
- Why a 40% win ratio is actually far more impressive than a 99% win ratio, and how someone with a 40% win ratio clears a million a year in profit.
- John’s favorite saying “feeding the ducks” discussed in detail, and why it’s not about how much you can make, it’s about how much you can lose (and other thoughts on speculation).
- John’s Psychology Session: 1 hour and 53 minutes
- Danielle’s Psychology Session: 1 hours and 27 minutes
Pillars of Options Trading Class
About John: His trading strategy combines expert technical analysis with an overall macro, fundamental view. His proven trading setups identify large directional plays that he leverages with both options and futures, as well as neutral moments in time for income trading opportunities when market conditions are on the slow side. He likes being in the trade before anyone else, and he uses his signature indicator ‘the Squeeze’ to enter many of these plays. John’s trades can generally be adjusted for those looking for a more conservative take on his aggressive plays, and traders can use his tools to find setups that fit their own risk parameters. His setups, market knowledge, and guidance to continually improve yourself as a trader is invaluable.
About Danielle: Danielle Shay is the Director of Options at Simpler Trading. She is a strict technical analyst, with a strong emphasis in Fibonacci Analysis. Her primary focus is on trend-following, directional strategies via options trading, though she covers stocks and ETFs as well. Danielle was also a contributor in John Carter’s 3rd Edition of Mastering the Trade, and has been seen on Real Vision TV, RT America, and Benzinga. You can find her daily in our trading room, sharing her analysis and trade ideas with our members.
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
Want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation.
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Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
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